Model villages are not a model (Burmese/ မြန်မာဘာသာ)
A new report by the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) raises concerns about
international “peace support” programming amid
st increasing Burma Army militarization in
Karenni State after the2012 ceasefire with the
Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP).
The report “Where is Genuine Peace?” exposes how a pilot resettlement project of the
Norway-led Myanmar Peace Support Initiative (MPSI) in Shardaw
Township is encouraging
IDPs to return to an area controlled by the Burma Army where their safety cannot be
Date: 11 juin 2018
Source: Foncier & Développement
Ce nouveau numéro de la Revue « L’Economie politique » est consacré aux questions foncières. Au sommaire :
Denis Clerc : nationaliser le sol, histoire d’un débat – Lire ici.
Date: 19 juin 2018
Source: Foncier & Développement
Ce 11ème numéro du « Zoom sur le foncier » est consacré au projet PACOF / GRN, d’appui à la sécurisation foncière et à la gestion des ressources naturelles, financé par l’AFD, depuis avril 2014. Les activités du PACOF/GRN s’exécutent à travers trois composantes, au profit de quinze communes situées dans les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun et des Hauts Bassins.
Date: 25 mai 2018
Source: Foncier & Développement
Par: Aurore Mansion
Cet article explore cet « objet institutionnel non identifié » qu’est le Comité technique « Foncier et développement » à travers les questions suivantes :
Date: juin 2018
Source: Foncier & Développement
Par: Alain Karsenty
L’article est issu de l’ouvrage « Les sols au coeur de la zone critique », coordonné par Christian Valentin et publié par ISTE, en 6 volumes.
The Guiding Principles are designed to help a number of stakeholders develop larger-scale agricultural investments that are more likely to prove sustainable, beneficial, and successful for communities, investors and governments.
This extract from the book Terra contains the contents page, introduction, and executive summary of the whole book, and chapters 10 and 11 on land policy in Angola. The book presents research on post-war urban land management options and the use of action research as an advocacy tool in drafting the 2004 Land Law. Chapter 10, on land policy and land legislation, covers the legal background, a chronology of Angolan laws and the legal revision process, the draft land law, specific recommendations on intermediate and evolutive rights.
A critical analysis of the draft Land Policy. Contains introduction, land delivery system and accessibility to land, title deeds on customary land, vestment of land, land market, gender issues, allocation to foreigners (with particular reference to white farmers from Zimbabwe), dispute resolution, land management information systems, concluding remarks.
Paper presented at Surveyor’s Institute of Zambia seminar. Includes the effects of a fragmented customary rural land management system; the need for both land reform and rural land management authorities; the benefits of institutional and land tenure reforms; and a case study example of Botswana.
Why does the delimitation of local authorities’ area of influence cause so many problems in most West African countries? Does decentralization not usually result in the artificial and top-down creation of local administrative units whose entire legitimacy in the area of land management is yet to establish, while village or inter-village authorities have strong anchorage?
Covers why do we need to think about policies to formalise land rights in developing countries?; primarily a political issue; policies to formalise land rights are not a panacea; inclusive formalisation policies present considerable challenges. Shows that policies to formalise rights raise highly political issues and often contribute to exclusion.