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Displaying 1393 - 1404 of 5233

Collaborative management of forests

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2004

Millions of the rural poor now participate in collaborative forest management schemes under a variety of tenurial and organizational arrangements.We examine those arrangements and ask whether local people have indeed gained more access to benefits from and control over forests. Our findings suggest that most co-management projects actually maintain and even extend central government control. -- from Text.

Strategies for sustainable agricultural development in the East African highlands

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 1999
África oriental
África subsahariana

Low agricultural productivity, land degradation and poverty are severe interrelated problems in the East African highlands. While the proximate causes of such problems are relatively well known, the underlying causes are many and complex, and depend upon many site-specific factors that vary greatly across the diverse circumstances of the region. In this paper, we argue that the appropriate strategy for sustainable development depends greatly upon the “pathways of development” that are feasible in a given location.

Acción colectiva y derechos de propiedad para el desarrollo sostenible

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2004

Las instituciones de acción colectiva y los sistemas de derechos de propiedad moldean la forma en que la gente usa los recursos naturales.A su vez, estos patrones de uso afectan los resultados de los sistemas de producción agrícola de la gente. Juntos, los mecanismos de acción colectiva y los sistemas de derechos de propiedad definen los incentivos a los que la gente accede por llevar a cabo estrategias de gestión sostenible y productiva, y afectan el nivel y distribución de los beneficios de los recursos naturales.

Impacts of the Hutan Kamasyarakatan Social Forestry Program in the Sumberjaya watershed, West Lampung District of Sumatra, Indonesia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2008
Asia sudoriental

This paper investigates the impacts of a social forestry program in Indonesia, Hutan Kamasyarakatan (HKm), based on analysis of a survey of 640 HKm and comparable non-HKm plots in the Sumberjaya watershed of southern Sumatra, and of the households operating those plots. The HKm program provides groups of farmers with secure-tenure permits to continue farming on state Protection Forest land and in exchange for protecting remaining natural forestland, planting multistrata agroforests, and using recommended soil and water conservation (SWC) measures on their coffee plantations.

Impacts of inventory credit, input supply shops, and fertilizer microdosing in the drylands of Niger

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2008
África occidental
África subsahariana

This study investigated the impacts of access to inventory credit, input supply shops, fertilizer microdosing demonstrations, and other factors on farmers’ use of inorganic fertilizer and other inputs in Niger and on crop yields. We found that access to inventory credit and input supply shops has increased the use of inorganic fertilizer and seeds and that microdosing demonstrations have increased the use of inorganic fertilizer.

How land concessions affect places elsewhere: Telecoupling, political ecology, and large-scale plantations in southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2015

This study investigates the implications of large-scale land concessions in southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia with regard to places outside of actual concession areas, both within the countries where the concessions are located and beyond.

The Phnom Penh survey: A study on urban poor settlements in Phnom Penh

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2014

The report of a 2013 survey conducted to update previous research on urban poor settlements in the Phnom Penh and produce current maps of their locations. This report summarises the data collected, and provides analysis and recommendations for key stakeholders intended to help lead to positive outcomes for the urban poor. The study found 340 urban poor settlements in Phnom Penh. The research shows that the trend of a decreasing percentage of settlements in the inner Khans and a corresponding increase in outer Khan settlements has continued.

The political economy of land governance in Cambodia

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2015

A 2015 report published by Mekong Region Land Governance project (MRLG) issue of land governance in Cambodia. Land governance is an inherently political-economic issue. This report on Cambodia is one of a series of country reports on Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) that seek to present country-level analyses of the political economy of land governance.