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Land (Title Deeds Restoration) Act.


This Act empowers the Registrar of Titles to issue new title deeds to property where such title deeds are deemed to be destroyed by disaster. The Act sets out the procedures for the restoration of title deeds.

Amended by: Land (Title Proceedings) Act (No. 7 of 2011). (2011-03-10)

Land (Adjudication of Rights and Interests) Act.


This Act makes provision for the adjudication of claims to title to land and rights and interests in land by a Commissioner appointed for this purpose by the Governor-General under this Act. A Commissioner of Titles shall handle claims regarding title in land situated in the registration district for which the Commissioner is appointed and shall exercise general supervisory control over all adjudications. The Commissioner shall adjudicate claims regarding ownership, lease, encumbrances, decisions of the Chief Surveyor or entries of a Registration Officer.

Ordonnance sur la géologie nationale (OGN).

Europa occidental

Les services spécialisés en charge de la géologie nationale mettent des informations géologiques à la disposition des autres services de la Confédération, des services cantonaux spécialisés et de tiers, en vue: a) d’une utilisation durable du sous-sol géologique; b) de la prise en compte des caractéristiques géologiques dans les procédures d’aménagement, d’octroi de concessions et d’autorisation; c) de la prévention d’effets nocifs ou indésirables produits par des processus géologiques sur les personnes et les biens.

Loi fédérale sur la géoinformation (Loi sur la géoinformation, LGéo).

Europa occidental

La présente loi vise à ce que les autorités fédérales, cantonales et communales, les milieux économiques, la population et les milieux scientifiques disposent rapidement, simplement et durablement de géodonnées mises à jour, au niveau de qualité requis et d’un coût approprié, couvrant le territoire de la Confédération suisse en vue d’une large utilisation.

Land Registration Act.


This Act makes provision for the registration of the ownership of land, lease and other title to land, and for this, and other purposes, establishes the Land Registry.

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant le règlement flamand relatif à l'assainissement du sol et à la protection du sol.

Europa occidental

Le présent arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixe le règlement flamand relatif à l’assainissement du sol et à la protection du sol. L’article 2 établit que les valeurs guides pour la qualité du sol, visées à l'article 3, paragraphe 2 du susdit Décret ont fixées à l'annexe II, jointe au présent décret. Le troisième titre intitulé «Assainissement du sol»est le titre plus important de l’arrêté.

Public Lands Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 43).

América Septentrional

The present Act lays down provisions relating to public lands. The Minister shall have charge of the management, sale and disposition of the public lands and forests. For the purpose of the present Act “mines and minerals” includes gold, silver, copper, lead, iron and other mines and minerals, and quarries, and beds of stone, marble or gypsum. The text consists of 75 sections divided into 4 Parts as follows: Ministry of Natural Resource (I); Road on public lands (II); Provisions of general application (III); Construction of dams (IV).

Environmental Records Review Regulations (P.E.I. Reg. EC619/04).

América Septentrional

The present Regulations enact section 25 of the Environmental Protection Act. The Regulations lays down provisions relating to the request of environmental records review. For the purpose of the present Act “environmental records review” means a review of the records maintained or held by the Department respecting a principal property and associated properties listed in an application; and “property” means a parcel of land in the province that has a property identification number assigned by the Provincial Treasury. The text consists of 3 sections and 1 Schedule.

Land Titles Regulations, 2001 (R.R.S. c. L-5.1 Reg. 1).

América Septentrional

The present Regulations provide for the enactment of the Land Titles Act. The Regulations apply to transactions and any other matters regulated by the Act and these regulations that have effect or that may have effect in an area of Saskatchewan that the Lieutenant Governor in Council has designated pursuant to section 191 of the Act as an area to which the Act applies.

Land Surveys Regulations (R.R.S. c. L-4.1 Reg. 1).

América Septentrional

The present Regulations provide for the enactment of the Land Surveys Act. In particular, the Regulations apply to all lands in Saskatchewan: a) that are located in an area of Saskatchewan that the Lieutenant Governor in Council has designated pursuant to section 87 of the Act as an area to which the Act applies; and b) that are within the legislative competence of the Legislature.