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Issues Acceso a la tierra related Blog post
There are 2, 223 content items of different types and languages related to Acceso a la tierra on the Land Portal.
Displaying 13 - 24 of 25

Land and compensation in Zimbabwe: frequently asked questions

23 Noviembre 2020
Ian Scoones

The debate about compensation of former white farmers in Zimbabwe continues to rage. The compensation agreement signed in July agreed a total amount of US$3.5 billion to pay for ‘improvements’ to the land that was expropriated. After 20 years of discussion, this was a major step forward. However, there seem to be multiple positions on the agreement and little consensus, along with much misunderstanding. However, some things are happening, and a joint resource mobilisation committee has been established with technical support from the World Bank and others.

Repensar el desarrollo desde lo rural

08 Junio 2020
Alejandro Reyes Posada

Aprovechar la ventaja comparativa de Colombia —que son sus recursos naturales— y superar las limitaciones del mundo rural requiere solucionar problemas aplazados durante décadas. Uno, principal, el monopolio rentístico de la tierra.
La economía del mundo tiende a regionalizarse y el comercio internacional tendrá una caída cuya recuperación puede ser lenta, sin un país líder y con un sistema internacional muy deteriorado. Todo se agravará por el conflicto de EE. UU. y China por la hegemonía mundial y la posibilidad de reelección de Trump.

Ten land messages from ILDC2020 that India needs to listen to

10 Marzo 2020
Pranab Choudhury

About 350 land actors from government, academia, civil society and business came together from more than 15 states and outside India to discuss and debate various land issues. In more than 30 sessions, about 150 speakers and panelists deliberated over 3 days around interdisciplinary land-conversations to generate important information and evidence for policy, practice and academics.

Ten important land messages that emerge from these land conversations are:

Titling Priorities

16 Abril 2019
Nicholas Parkinson

Maritza Losada moved to Puerto Guadalupe five years ago when her husband found a job with a large biomass energy company that grows sugar cane. She and her husband purchased a lot in the town’s poorest neighborhood, Barrio Nuevo. The district remains today much like it was in 1995 when the government created the housing project for future agro-laborers: no roads, no sewage, no gutters.

Podcast: Can Legal Empowerment Change Power Dynamics?

17 Mayo 2018

Access to justice is a key governance concern in developed and developing countries alike. Community legal workers aim to help poor or comparatively powerless people defend themselves against land grabs, obtain public services, and challenge corruption. Can this bottom-up approach counter powerful interests seeking to entrench their control? Can legal empowerment help respond to rising authoritarianism and repression of civil society?

Los campesinos que más nos alimentan, los que menos apoyo reciben

13 Marzo 2018

Por Juliana Martínez Nacarato Investigadora del Programa de Justicia Fiscal en Fundar


La política agrícola sigue sin garantizar los derechos de campesinas y campesinos. Sin acceso a tierra, muchos se ven obligados a migrar y a trabajar como jornaleras y jornaleros bajo condiciones laborales precarias y de semiesclavitud, problema ya denunciado en México pero que no ha sido atendido.

El eterno problema agrario

La sexta avenida, entre quinta y cuarta calles está prácticamente tomada por campesinos, hombres y mujeres que se trasladaron a vivir ahí –frente a Casa Presidencial– porque fueron expulsados violentamente de comunidades en donde vivían, y según lo dicen, están dispuestos a continuar resistiendo hasta tanto el gobierno no les dé una respuesta clara y concreta a sus peticiones que tiene relación con la restitución de las tierras que históricamente les pertenecen.