National River Linking Project: analyses of hydrological, social and ecological issues: overview of the workshop proceedings
Multi-functional non-residential irrigation organization: A case study of Kodku Irrigation System of Kathmandu Valley
Policies, legislation and organizations related to water in South Africa, with special reference to the Olifants River Basin
The study is reported in two Working Papers. Working Paper 17 reports the findings of the HIM exercise. This paper contains the policies, legislation and organizations relevant for understanding of the HIM for the Olifants river basin. It also includes the historical development of the institutional framework in the basin, as this history has left a profound imprint on the South African society at large and is still dictating, in many cases, the interactions between the different organizations.
Pre-takeover comparative performance of water users organizations of Hakra 4-R Distributary, Punjab, Pakistan
Productivity of water in agriculture: farmers? perceptions and practices
Stakeholders in agriculture and water related issues have different perceptions about the productivity of water. This is evident by the different definitions of productivity of water, though most of the definitions hinge around the benefits accrued from water use. The viewpoint of smallholder farmers? regarding the productivity of water is important in order to promote the concept of productivity of water in a country like Tanzania. This is because 95 percent of the farmers are smallholders. This paper presents the farmers?
Proposed business plan for pilot farmer organizations: Extended project on Farmer Managed Irrigated Agriculture in LBOD Project Area of Sindh Province
Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture in Asia: poverty in irrigated agriculture: issues and options: China
IWMI-ADB Project
Rehabilitation planning for small tanks in cascades: a methodology based on rapid assessment
Presents a methodology for planning the rehabilitation and improvement of small-scale irrigation systems within the context of the water basin when information on hydrology and water use is inadequate. The methodology is useful to those undertaking irrigation rehabilitation projects in similar circumstances, and it may also be extended to water resources planning in many other circumstances.
Social and environmental impact of rapid change in the coastal zone of Vietnam: an assessment of sustainability issues
Strategic analysis of water institutions in India: application of a new research paradigm
The overall objective of this paper is to outline the analytical framework and theoretical approach underlying a new research paradigm and illustrate how this paradigm can be used for the strategic analysis of water institutions by applying it to the Indian context.