The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013.
Date of Assent: 24th December, 2013
Date of Commencement: 10th January, 2014
Date of Assent: 24th December, 2013
Date of Commencement: 10th January, 2014
O texto pretende analisar a distribuição do grande investimento económico pelos diferentes distritos da província de Tete, procurando identificar impactos socio-económicos, a emergência de novos problemas sociais e respectivas formas de protesto. Na análise constata-se a concentração do grande investimento no eixo Tete-Moatize, a reboque da indústria extractiva, alimentando assimetrias sócio-espaciais e atraindo movimentos migratórios, que concorreram para a saturação das infraestruturas urbanas.
O ritmo migratório rural-urbano é frequentemente superior à taxa de crescimento natural dapopulação citadina, em resultado da procura de oportunidades de emprego por parte daspopulações rurais, o que reflecte (e cria novas) pressões sociais e económicas.Ao longo deste texto procura-se compreender os factores que levam as populações de origemrural a migrar para a cidade de Maputo, assim como compreender as dinâmicas de relacionamentodas mesmas, uma vez na cidade, com o seu universo de origem.
As desigualdades de desenvolvimento e suas dinâmicas possuem razões políticas, económicas e sociais de longa duração. Estes factores influenciam os percursos históricos sobre as quais as políticas económicas e os poderes políticos procuram influenciar conjunturalmente sem que, na maioria dos casos, sejam efectivas mudanças fundamentais nas sociedades.
As desigualdades sociais e territoriais têm implicações sobre a estrutura e as dinâmicas do crescimento/desenvolvimento económico, sobre a estabilidade política e social e sobre a sustentabilidade ambiental, entre outros aspectos.
This publication outlines the process undertaken by UN Habitat/GLTN and The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representation in Kenya to support the Ministry of Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Areas Management of the Turkana County Government-Kenya, in establishing a county Land Information Management System based on the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). The project was carried out in the context of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) program entitled, Support for Responsible Land and Natural Resource Governance of Communal Lands in Kenya.
El presente trabajo forma parte de un acumulado de acciones y luchas colectivas que venimos desarrollando las organizaciones sociales Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH), Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH) y Jubileo Sur Américas (JS/A), y ha contado con el apoyo técnico del Transnational Institute (TNI).
To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public
interest, subject to just and equitable compensation; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.
The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) presented the Annual Report 2014/15 for the Communal Property Associations (CPAs). To date, 1 428 CPAs were registered, with 48 being registered in the last financial year. Challenges faced by CPAs included ongoing conflicts amongst CPA members which centred on governance issues, and the fact that some CPAs were insolvent and needed an injection of funds to put them on a sound footing. 29 CPAs were untraceable, 20 CPAs had lost (through sale or loss by attachment) 10 668 hectares of land, and nine CPAs were under administration.
The Committee received a presentation of the evaluation report on the implementation of the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) by the Department of Perfomance, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME). The National Evaluation Plan (NEP) containing 52 evaluations that cut across government had been approved by Cabinet in 2012/13. There were eight evaluations in the rural development sector and the CRDP was one of the key programmes implemented since 2009.
In South Africa, policies of separate development and restrictions placed on capital expenditure imposed on the lands occupied by the indigenous people during the colonial era prevented the state from implementing the cadastre in the communal areas of the country. The status quo persists to this day, which has resulted in a dual system that promoted investment in areas where private property rights were permitted, but relegated the traditional communities into poverty and disinvestment
To provide for the upgrading and conversion into ownership of certain rights granted in respect land; for the transfer of tribal land in full ownership to tribes; and for matters connected therewith.
(Afrikaans text signed by the State President.)
(Assented to 27 June 1991.)
BE IT ENACTED by the State President and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:
To provide for the temporary protection of certain rights to and interests in land which are not otherwise adequately protected by law; and to provide for matters connected therewith