Droit et genre
Cette étude propose une analyse de la dimension de genre au sein de la législation relative à l’agriculture et examine le statut juridique des femmes dans trois secteurs clés. Le résultat est une analyse qui identifie les principaux facteurs juridiques et certains facteurs non juridiques ayant une incidence sur l’existence et l’exercice des droits des femmes liés à l’agriculture.
Modules sur le genre, la population et le developpement rural avec un interet particulier pour les regimes fonciers et les systemes d exploitation agr
The legal status of rural women in 19 Latin American countries
Gender, Property Rights and Livelihoods in the Era of AIDS
This report is based on the proceedings of the Technical Consultation on Gender, Property Rights and Livelihoods in the Era of AIDS, organized by FAO in November 2008. It takes stock of where FAO and its partners are in terms of addressing property rights insecurity and provides a proposed framework through which future action can take place.
Land and Gender: Improving data availability and use in the Western Balkans
Improved access to gender-disaggregated data can be a catalyst to improving gender equality and provide opportunities for the so-called “Third Sector” of non-governmental and local organizations, especially those representing women. The Voluntary Guidelines underline that gender equality is at the core of all processes and aspects of tenure governance, including policy formulation, service delivery, and access to legal systems and information.
Report on FAO, UNIFEM and National AIDS CouncilJoint National Workshop on HIV and AIDS, Women's Property Rights and Livelihoods in Zimbabwe
Two important resolutions for women were adopted by the United Nations last year. One was the UNHABITAT Resolution on “Women's Role and Rights in Human Settlements Development and Slum Upgrading” and the other was the Commission on Human Rights Resolution on “Women's Equal Ownership, Access to, and Control over Land and the Equal Rights to Own Property and to Adequate Housing”. These resolutions recognised the violation of women's property rights as a violation of fundamental human rights and the UN's commitment to stop such violations.
Report of the FAO/OXFAM GB Wokshop on Women's Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa
The report summarises the papers, presentations and discussions of a workshop on failures and achievements at securing women’s land rights. In particular, it addresses the following issues: Land rights and legal reforms,legal aid and land administration practice, women's land rights in an HIV/AIDS context,women's land rights from a food security and livelihoods context. Organised by the FAO and Oxfam, the workshop seeks to establish global and multi-sectoral alliances and multiple strategies as a means of breaking out of the present impasse in this matter.
Gender in Agriculture
The Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues and a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. The Sourcebook is a joint product of the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and contributions from more than 100 writers and reviewers.