Investigación sobre sorgo en Colombia: Informe de actividades en 1989
Introduction to East African Range Livestock Systems Study/Kenya
Examines the interdisciplinary research being pursued by the ILCA East African Range Livestock Systems Study (EARLSS) team in Kenya, discussing the rationale for an interdisciplinary aproach to the study, factors which led to the concentration of the team's investigation on Maasai pastoralists, and background information on Kenya's Kajiado District & on the three group ranches where the study is focused. Describes the research design & methodology adopted by the EARLSS team, including the initial inventory survey, sampling procedures, dif.
Kebijakan kehutanan, aksi kolektif dan hak properti: sebuah pelajaran dari Bungo
Kolaborasi untuk kelestarian hutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat
La competencia por la tierra entre la agricultura y la ganaderia en el minifundio costeno
The results of a case study conducted in Betulia (Sucre, Colombia) in May-Dec. 1983 to evaluate the competition for land between cassava cultivation (monocropped or in association with maize or yam) and cattle raising are discussed. In general, profits from cassava either in association or in monoculture are much higher than for cattle raising. Regarding labor requirements, cassava cultivation and cattle raising are equally attractive from an economic viewpoint.
La recherche sur les systemes agraires ("RSA") au CIPEA
Discusses the historical context of ILCA's research, the principal types of animal production systems and the stages in ILCA's farming systems research. Describes the smallholder farming in the Ethiopian highlands & humid zone, the agropastoralists of the sub-humid zone, systems research in pastoral areas of eastern Africa (Kenya & Ethiopia), characteristics of the arid and semi-arid zones of West Africa and the role of modelling in the system. Ends with a summary of past experience.
Landscape management and governance, Garba Tula, Isiolo, Kenya
Les recherches du CIPEA en 1980
Presents and discusses ILCA's research on smallholder farming in the highlands, village sheep and goat production in the humid zone, cattle production in the subhumid zone, pastoral production in the arid zones of West Africa, range livestock production in eastern and southern Africa, and breed evaluation and herd modelling.