Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Este nmero de Unasylva se ocupa de las tcnicas, pero tambin de los aspectos polticos y sociales, de la rehabilitacin forestal de determinados espacios degradados.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
In the June issue of the Natural Resources and Environment newsletter, we examine the importance of the newly established Global Soil Partnership. Soil specialists, international organization staff, the donor community and academics discuss what such collaboration can achieve. We note the events of World Water Day, highlighting water and food security. Moreover, a new web site, Sustainability Pathways, focuses on greening the economy with agriculture and related ecosystem services.
This paper outlines FAO's past and present activities on combating desertification, with particular emphasis on the Near East Region, in an attempt to mobilise all the potential efforts towards the establishment of an adequate strategy to enable this particular part of the world to build efficient regional and national programmes to combat resource degradation, restore land productivity and achieve food security.
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Ce numro d'Unasylva se concentre sur les aspects techniques, mais aussi politiques et sociaux, de la rcupration de sites spcifiques, par des activits forestires.
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
La parte delantera de la postal ofrece una breve descripción sobre la Contaminación del suelo (definición, causa, hechos clave), mientras que la parte posterior muestra las condiciones y tendencias mundiales por región. Estos datos se derivan de la información publicada en el informe del Estado Mundial del Recurso Suelo, publicado en diciembre de 2015.
It may come as a paradox that while interest in tropical forests worldwide has been steadily growing in the last century, this has in no way halted the continued loss and degradation of one of earth's grandest terrestrial ecosystems. In fact, the extent and rate of degradation is accelerating. Some places have completely lost their original forests, while in others the structure and biomass of the forest have been irreparably damaged. Concern for this loss is not limited to the extinction of animal and plant species.