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Displaying 1213 - 1224 of 3173

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Kabardino-Balkarian Re...

Europa oriental

The authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic have agreed on the following: 1) The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic shall execute the authority in the following fields: a) management of state property; b) external trade.

Decision of Directorate CETESB No. 38 approving the "Procedures for Soil and Groundwater Quality Protection".

América del Sur

This Decision of Directorate approves the three Annexes providing for new procedures for soil and groundwater protection and establishes guidelines for the management of contaminated areas and potentially pollutant infrastructures. It specifies the "Procedures for Soil and Groundwater Quality Protection", the revision of the "Procedure for the Management of Contaminated Areas" and establishing the "Guidelines for Management of Contaminated Areas in the Environmental Licensing Areas".

Regional Law No. 17 “On general land-use planning scheme of the city of Moscow”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law validates general land-use planning scheme of the city of Moscow with a view of ensuring sustainable development, reaching high standards of living of the population (including improvement of public health), improvement of urban environment and conservation of historical and cultural heritage. Sustainability shall be ensured by introduction of ecofriendly processes, methods and technologies, environmental security of urban areas, performance of ecological improvement arrangements and ensuring ecological, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

Agricultural Act of 2014.

Estados Unidos de América
América Septentrional

This Act provides with respect to a wide variety of matters regarding programs for agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, wildlife protection, forestry, land management, water management and conservation, forestry and food.

Decreto Nº 1.077 - Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto, considerando que la racionalización y simplificación del ordenamiento jurídico es una de las principales herramientas para asegurar la eficiencia económica y social del sistema legal y para afianzar la seguridad jurídica, y que constituye una política pública gubernamental la simplificación y compilación orgánica del sistema nacional regulatorio, expide el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Sector Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio, cuyo objeto es compilar la normatividad expedida por el gobierno nacional en ejercicio de las facultades reglamentarias para la cumplida eje

Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated Land and Semi-natural Areas) (England) Regulations 2001 (S.I. No. 3966 of 2001).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

These Regulations implement, in relation to projects for the use of uncultivated land and semi-natural areas in England for intensive agricultural purposes, Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment and Council Directive 1992/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora insofar as it applies to such projects. The definition of "project" (reg. 2) identifies those activities which are subject to the requirements of the Regulations.

Regional Decree No. 342-PP validating the Regulation on composition, elaboration, coordination and submittal for validation of land-use planning projects related to protected areas.

Europa oriental

This Regional Decree establishes composition, elaboration, coordination and submittal for validation of land-use planning projects related to protected areas. The scope of the aforesaid project shall be to ensure functioning of protected areas in compliance with legal regulation and classification of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical natural complexes and objects and ecological education of the population.

Decision No.1388/QD-TTg approving the master plan on basic geological survey of minerals through 2020, with orientations toward 2030.

Viet Nam
Asia sudoriental

This Decision approves the master plan on basic geological surveys of minerals through 2020, and orientations toward 2030, with the following principal contents: Viewpoints: a) To plan the survey and discovery of minerals together with the making of maps of area geology, hazard geology, environmental geology, marine geology and mineral resources, and geological and mineral research maps of 1:50,000 scale for the mainland and equal or larger for Vietnam's maritime zones along with detailed surveys, aiming to clarify the structure, genesis and development of the earth's crust to serve socio-e

Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) regarding the delimitation of jurisdictional subjects and plenary powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Sakha (Yaku...

Europa oriental

authorized representatives of the state bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have agreed on the following: 1) The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) shall execute the authority in the following fields: a) management, possession, use and disposal of state property; b) carrying out licensing and quota setting in accordance with the federal legislation on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); c)participation in external trade.