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Interactions entre systèmes fourragers et systèmes de grandes cultures à l'échelle d'un territoire. Intérêts pour l'environnement

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007

In certain regions where mixed farming prevails, the specialization of the farms (with the progressive disappearance of livestock) has brought about uniform methods of land occupation which run counter the environmental functions of farming. For that matter, grasslands and perennial covers have beneficial effects, but their insertion or their maintenance have to be thought out at the territorial scale.

Human and wildlife usage of a protected area buffer zone in an area of high immigration

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2014

Population growth near protected areas threatens the capacity of such areas for biodiversity conservation. Protected areas may even encourage growth by providing economic benefits that attract migrants. Consequently, understanding the relationships between human demographics and biodiversity is important for conservation. We studied a community-governed Wildlife Management Area bordering the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania, set up to benefit local people and the subsistence rural economy. Annual population growth in this area is 5%.

Bangladesh - population increase, food shortage

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2010

In Bangladesh, agriculture is the most significant source of economic growth, it plays a fundamental role in the fight against poverty. The earning potential of most people is limited by their lack of skills, assets, and access to credit. The only lasting way is to ensure sustainable economic growth by implementing policies to promote financial stability and the efficient use of resources.

The Agricultural Production Survey: The purpose and operation

Conference Papers & Reports
Agosto, 2010
Nueva Zelandia

The Agricultural Production Survey (APS) is Statistics New Zealand’s vehicle for collecting important information about New Zealand’s primary production. It is an annual postal survey and covers land use, livestock and arable farming, horticultural and forestry production, and selected farm practices. The APS programme started with a census in 2002, and continues a history of official statistics that covers agriculture over the past 150 years.

Remote sensing and in situ-based estimates of evapotranspiration for subirrigated meadow, dry valley, and upland dune ecosystems in the semi-arid sand hills of Nebraska, USA

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2011
Estados Unidos de América

Water consumed through evapotranspiration (ET) impacts local and regional hydrologic regimes on various spatial and temporal scales. Estimating ET in the Great Plains is a prerequisite for effective regional water resource management of the Ogallala (High Plains) Aquifer, which supplies vital water resources in the form of irrigation for extensive agricultural production.

Contracts, Transaction Costs and Agricultural Production in the Pampas

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2006

This paper presents an analysis of agricultural contracts using a transaction costs approach. We contend that in a context of modern agriculture, with well defined property rights, agricultural contracts must balance costs and benefits, aligning tenant and landlord incentives towards a similar objective. The study debates the potential effects of tenancy status and duration of contracts, over soil conservation and input use.

Tracking environmental dynamics and agricultural intensification in southern Mali

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2007

The Office de la Haute Vallée du Fleuve Niger (OHVN) zone in southern Mali is a small but important agricultural production region. Against a background of environmental degradation including decades of declining rainfall, soil erosion, and human pressure on forest resources, numerous farming communities stand out through the use of improved soil and water management practices that have improved agricultural and environmental conditions. Field surveys conducted in 1998-2001 indicated that environmental and agricultural conditions have improved in the past decade.

Migration motivation of agriculturally educated rural youth: The case of Russian Siberia

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2016

The migration of young people from rural areas is common in all agricultural regions of Russia, and Altai Krai, located in southwestern Siberia, is no exception. Out-migration, aversion to working in agriculture and the aging of farmers and farm managers are serious problems that raise questions about who will work in agriculture in the future. This paper aims to investigate factors that affect the decisions of agricultural students from Altai Krai to out-migrate or to return to their rural parental municipalities after finishing their university studies.

Editorial[: Rural Change and the Revalorisation of Rural Property Objects]

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2009

Property regimes shape the social relations, in particular, social settings, and represent an important element for external intervention and sustainable rural development. The introduction recalls common aspects and specific conceptualisations of property analysis in the field of economics, sociology and social anthropology and summarises main academic discourses about property rights in order to develop a differentiated understanding of property. In Section 1, general trends in property relations characterising modern rural societies are outlined.