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Countries Filipinas related News


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23 Marzo 2024
Photo: ©FAO/Petterik Wiggers  L'appel à contributions est ouvert jusqu’au 1er avril 2024. Depuis quelques années, il est de plus en plus admis qu’il est urgent de transformer les systèmes agroalimentaires afin de les rendre plus durables, plus résistants, plus inclusifs et plus équitables. Qu'…
21 Junio 2023
Dans ce monde de plus en plus complexe, nous avons besoin de stratégies innovantes pour répondre aux nouveaux défis. C’est pourquoi le FIDA utilise systématiquement les outils et technologies les plus récentes pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des programmes au service des populations rurales.…
3 Febrero 2023
By Angeliza Arceño with reports from Mavic Conde  This story has been developed as part of Nieves Zúñiga’s 2022 LEDE Fellowship project awarded by the Solutions Journalism Network and developed in collaboration with Land Portal. HINIGARAN, Negros Occidental — A farmer-bred rice variety never leaves…
29 Julio 2022
  Les Philippines sont l'un des pays les plus exposés aux conséquences du changement climatique. Pour prévenir celles-ci, le gouvernement a fixé des objectifs ambitieux dans le cadre de ses contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) induite par l'Accord de Paris sur le climat. Mais…
2 Diciembre 2021
    (02.12.2021) The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of thirty-five new country portfolios as part of the Country Insights Initiative, which seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they…
2 Diciembre 2021
  (02.12.2021) A Land Portal Foundation tem o prazer de anunciar a publicação de trinta e cinco novos portifólios de países como parte da Iniciativa de Conhecimento de Países, que busca expandir as informações sobre como governam suas terras, os desafios que enfrentam e as soluções inovadoras que…
2 Diciembre 2021
  (02.12.2021) La Fundación Land Portal se complace en anunciar la publicación de treinta y cinco nuevos Portafolios de País (Country Profiles) como parte de la iniciativa Perspectivas de País (Country Insights), que busca ampliar el conocimiento sobre cómo se da el gobierno de la tierra en los…
17 Noviembre 2021
MANILA – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is hoping its proposed budget for 2022 for its land titling project will be restored during the bicameral committee deliberation of the Senate and the House of Representatives. In an interview with the Philippine News Agency on Wednesday, DAR…
13 Septiembre 2021
Levantamento realizado por ONG listou 20 casos brasileiros; em metade deles, as vítimas foram indígenas ou ribeirinhos   Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, 2020 registrou recorde de assassinatos de ativistas ambientais e do direito à terra no planeta: foram 227, segundo relatório divulgado nesta semana…
15 Abril 2021
President Rodrigo Duterte has lifted a ban on issuing licenses for new mining operations in the Philippines, marking an about-face from a previous anti-mining stance that saw him ban open-pit mining in 2017 and close or suspend 26 mining operations for environmental violations. The government says…
24 Noviembre 2020
In a new study, researchers say that land inequality is rising in most countries. Worse, new measures and analysis proves that land inequality is significantly higher than previously recorded, with data reporting a 41 percent increase compared to traditional census data. The report, Uneven Ground…
19 Noviembre 2020
The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) on Thursday launched the P24.625 billion World Bank-funded Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT) project, which aims to improve land tenure security and stabilize property rights of 1,140,735  agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)…