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Countries África related Blog post


Displaying 241 - 252 of 296
17 Julio 2018
Stacey Zammit
This week’s High Level Political Forum, has been an almost dizzying extravaganza, featuring hundreds of side events and welcoming delegates from countries around the world.  Taking place at UN Headquarters in New York City, the Forum’s participants have thus far delved into some of the world’s most…
16 Julio 2018
Emmanuel Urey, tylerroush
In the fading afternoon light, Kou Berpa leads a small group out to a patch of land a short distance off of the main road in Ganta, Liberia. The land is strewn with rocks and dried vegetation. The jagged remains of a tree stump consume one corner. It’s easy to miss the green shoots scattered…
12 Julio 2018
Date: 26 juin 2018 Source: Pas une semaine ne s’écoule sans que les nouvelles prouesses de la «blockchain » ne s’affichent dans la presse spécialisée mais également généraliste, signe que la société commence à percevoir le phénomène technologique à venir. Après avoir insufflé un…
4 Mayo 2018
Harold Liversage
This blog builds upon Harold Liversage's presentation during the Global Land Tools Network's seventh partners meeting, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 23-27 April, 2017. Harold Liversage is currently the Chair of the Global Donor Working Group on Land.   Recent years have been marked by…
11 Abril 2018
Date: 9 avril 2018 Source: Farmlandgrab, Le Quotidien Par: Fabien Grasser La multinationale luxembourgeoise Socfin poursuit en justice de nombreux médias et ONG rendant compte des conflits l’opposant aux salariés et riverains de ses plantations en Afrique et en Asie. Face aux critiques, elle s’…
6 Abril 2018
Celine Salcedo-La Viña
Kuluthum Mbwana remembers the day that biofuel investors arrived in her village Vilabwa, just 70 kilometers west of Tanzania's capital. In exchange for more than 8,000 hectares (19,800 acres) of land across 11 villages, including Vilabwa in Kisarawe District, she said they promised to bring much-…
6 Abril 2018
Earlier this year, the outgoing President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf handed over power to George Weah in the country’s first peaceful and democratic transition of power since 1944. It was a moment that crystallized just how far Liberia had come in the last 13 years, since a 2005 peace…
21 Marzo 2018
Klaus W. Deininger
Many of today’s increasingly complex development challenges, from rapid urban expansion to climate change, disaster resilience, and social inclusion, are intimately tied to land and the way it is used. Addressing these challenges while also ensuring individuals and communities are able to make full…
6 Marzo 2018
M. Mercedes Stickler
There is broad global agreement that secure property rights help eradicate poverty and that securing women’s land rights reduces gender inequality. But our understanding remains strikingly limited when it comes to the extent to which women’s land rights are – or are not – secure and the impact of…
30 Enero 2018
Date: 3 octobre 2017 Source: Par: Amzath Fassassi En marge du lancement officiel de l’International Land and Forest Tenure Facility, à Stockholm, une conférence internationale a été organisée sur le thème "Droits fonciers : Lutte contre le changement climatique et promotion de la…
25 Enero 2018
Date: 24 janvier 2018  Source: Farmlandgrab Par: Julien Wagner Avec le rachat contre un chèque de 317,6 millions d’euros de plusieurs actifs du groupe Mimran, dont les Grands Moulins de Dakar et les Grands Moulins d’Abidjan, par Seaboard Corporation, c’est tout un pan de l’histoire…
19 Enero 2018
Andy White
2018 could be transformative for the indigenous and community land rights movement, with unprecedented opportunities for scaling up rights recognition around the world. Last week, the Rights and Resources Initiative—a global coalition comprising 15 Partners, 7 Affiliated Networks, and more than…