Explora nuestra colección de datos abiertos sobre tierras en todo el mundo, utilizando una variedad de distintos indicadores para acceder a conjuntos de datos y filtrar los resultados. Todos los datos pueden ser descargados libremente para su uso fuera de línea.
Land under temporary crops
Land used for crops with a less-than-one-year growing cycle, which must be newly sown or planted for further production after the harvest.
Measurement unit:
Land use planning guides expansion in other cities
Land use planning guides expansion in other cities measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Land use planning guides expansion in the largest city
Land use planning guides expansion in the largest city measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Land used for aquaculture
Land used for aquaculture facilities and fish-farming activities. Aquaculture refers to the farming of aquatic organisms: fish, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic plants, crocodiles, alligators, turtles and amphibians.
Measurement unit:
Land with temporary fallow
Land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons. The maximum idle period is usually less than five years. This land may be in the form sown for the exclusive production of green manure.
Measurement unit:
Laws or regulations with robust resettlement and rehabilitation procedures
This indicator asks whether countries have enacted national laws with robust provisions for resettling and rehabilitating populations displaced by development projects involving the expropriation of land.
Measurement unit:
Legal capacity - Entering contracts
This indicator reflects to what extent a country has incorporated the statement "Men and women have the ability to conclude contracts under the same basic conditions, rights and obligations" into its national legal framework
Measurement unit:
Life expectancy at birth, female
Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life.
Measurement unit:
Life expectancy at birth, male
Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life.
Measurement unit:
Literacy rate, adult total
Total Adult (15+) Literacy Rate (%) is the percentage of the population age 15 and above who can, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life. Generally, "literacy" also encompasses "numeracy", the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.
Measurement unit:
Livestock-only systems in arid and semi-arid areas
This country-level indicator measures the extension (in sq. Km) of livestock-only systems in rangeland-based arid and semi-arid areas [LGA]. The data comes frorm the Map of Global Livestock Production Systems (version 5), a joint initiative between FAO and ILRI.
Measurement unit:
Livestock-only systems in HyperArid areas
This country-level indicator measures the extension (in sq. Km) of livestock-only systems in rangeland-based hyper-arid areas [LGY]. The data comes frorm the Map of Global Livestock Production Systems (version 5), a joint initiative between FAO and ILRI.
Measurement unit:
Long-term unchallenged possession is formally recognized
Long-term unchallenged possession is formally recognized measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Management responsibility for public land is clear
Management responsibility for public land is clear measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Mapping of registry records
Mapping of registry records measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit:
Mapping/registration of communal land
Mapping/registration of communal land measured on a scale from A - which stands for good practices - to D - reflecting weak practices. For more information please visit http://go.worldbank.org/21M7S7AZO0
Measurement unit: