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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 836 - 840 of 2116

Insurance Conv. Impl Pillar 2 WAPNL


Through regular, active participation in the Steering Group of the IMVO Convergent Insurance sector and in 4 working groups (Themes, Annual Theme, Monitoring and Reporting, Joint Priorities), the applying NGOs will: - actively contribute to the implementation of the covenant, including the formulation of texts for policy frameworks, the establishment of a monitoring system, agreements on the annual theme and the selection and discussion of cases. - actively monitor the progress of the implementation ofthe covenant, and (where possible) contribute to (the development of) possible solutions; - contribute their specific knowledge and information as described under 1.5. As the duration of the covenant is longer than the duration of this application, a financial solution will still have to be found for the participation and contributions of the NGOs described in the last months of the covenant (January - July 2023). The participating NGOs bring their specific knowledge and information about human rights (including children's rights, gender equality and land rights), climate change, controversial weapons and arms trade, nature, the fight against corruption, health (including access to medicines) and animal welfare in the local context. The NGOs will contribute by sharing their expertise with the Partiesand Insurers with regard to, among other things: # Contacts with local stakeholders; # The development of civil society in developing countries; # ESG risks; # Ways to remove barriers to the completion of ESG policies, such as freedom of association; # Contacts with governments in unstable, conflict-affected or quasi-uncontrolled areas; # Contacts with the government of states where frequent serious impacts frequently occur; # Protection of (human rights) activists; # Gathering local evidence with regard to ESG violations In addition, the NGOs will provide the parties and insurers with (background) information, knowledge, analysis, perspectives and /or advice on matters such as: # Actual and potential impacts in the field of ESG, with a clear indication of the status of this information; # General ESG policies and procedures for ESG due diligence; # Colleague and partner organizations. The NGOs will also contribute to the prioritizationof risks based on knowledge of (future) international standards and their global and international overview, perspective and network and will consult with the parties on improving the situation of the injured parties.

RVO IMVO Pension Conv Natuur & Milieu


The Pension Convenant seeks to support Pension Funds to implement OECD orientations regarding ESG. The two track approach has a general track where all Dutch pension funds are targetted and a second track to undertake case studies and feed into the general track. The Convenant will work with a Steering Group and several working groups, notably for Monitoring, Case Studies and Instruments. The Convenant support facility is not a project but a facility where Oxfam Novib, on behalf of participating NGOs and trade unions, administers the facility. On an equal basis, Oxfam Novib also participates in the implementation of the Convenant. Stichting N<(>&<)>M will bring in knowledge on environment and climate change. The participating NGOs bring their specific knowledge and informationabout human rights (including children's rights, gender equality and land rights), climate change, nature, the fight against corruption, health (including access to medicines) and animal welfare in the local context. The NGOs will contribute through - to share their specific, available expertise with the Parties on, for example, building civil society in developing countries; ESG risks and impacts, general ESG policies and procedures for ESG due diligence; contacts with governments in unstable, conflict-affected or quasi-uncontrolled areas; contacts with the government of states where frequent serious impacts occur; protection of (human rights) activists; collecting local evidence with regard to ESG violations; prioritizing risks based on knowledge of (future) international standards and their global and international overview, perspective and network; improving the situation of the victims; - involving local stakeholders and colleague and partner organizations; - act as an informal sounding board for sensitive or complex issues and suggest possible solutions to obstacles faced by the Parties; - with regard to the Deep Track, play an active role where possible in involving local stakeholders, mediating (informally) on sensitive or complex issues and / or conducting public-oriented or other activities aimed at increasing the joint influence on companies .

Upholding IPs Rights and FPIC


On 27 November 2020, Samdech Krolahom Sor Keng, Cambodia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of MOI, delivered remarks at a meeting aimed at strengthening the roles and duties of the Mondulkiri administration/ sub-national level, with key messages guiding and enhancing land, forestry, environment and natural resources governance implementation and accountability. There are 5 key messages:1)- strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the enforcement of laws, policies and regulations, 2)- Preparing a land use plan, 3)- strengthening officers and local authorities, 4)- Land registration and land conflict resolutions, 5)- Conservation and development of Indigenous communities. Based on these key messages of RGC, CSOs are interested and have discussion as follows: A groupof NGOs and IPOs has conducted pre-and post-meetings before the meetings with MOI on 05 February 2021. This meeting is hard to decide on support for, and participation in, an IP community research study led by MOI because ofconcerns about trust and experiences with case intervention failures that have not yet resulted in resolutions. However, based on analytical skills, this IP research study provides an opportunity to engage with MOI advocacy approaches, as well as a way of working now that can be a lobbying and influencing advocacy strategy while considering the space of NGOs freedom and political trends in Cambodia. The issues of IP communities were investigated, and verified by NGOs and other stakeholders. Case observation, legal complaints and an annual joint statement submission by the NAC of NGOF has been brought to relevant ministries for many years. A public forum of government with MDK fieldwork working group, CIPO <(>&<)> CIPA case study on communities’ land grabbing, and experiences of other NGOs working on communal land titling and IP community forming have raised complicated issues and difficult to find resolutions in order to ensure land tenure security of IP community (CLT) in Mondulkiri province. CLT conflictis a sensitive issue political tensions around the implementation of laws, policies and regulations that NGOs can’t handle on their own without partnering with the Ministry of Interior. During theIP community research study, NGOs noted state public land,especially CLT, CF, and CPA land have been lost and illegal land grabbing was eventually recognized as legal acquisition. The IP community research study’s purpose is to conserve and develop, especially to land tenure security and livelihood enhancement.This study examines key issues, challenges, and recommendations for the most effective resolutions to CLT within 22 communities, 8 communes and 5 districts/city of MDK provinces. CIPO requested budget support from Oxfamto support the review of findings from the study and document the process of how CSO engage with the government to secure land tenure of IPs in Cambodia.

CO-Burundi Right to Food 2019-2020


OXFAM NOVIB IMPACT AND LONG-TERM OUTCOME The improved practices and policies of the Burundian government and other stakeholders such as private sector, allow cooperatives / farmers' organisations, especially the women farmer, to be heard and to have access to farming inputs, land and to decent work. TARGETED OUTCOMES TARGETED OUTCOME(S): Improved policies Government : (1) Legal recognitionof land access/ compulsory registration of women#s/wife#s farmers on land titles; (2) Laws and regulationsgoverning the agricultural sector are (changed) in favour of farmers and/or famers# organisations TARGETED OUTCOME: Women effectively participate in governance and leadership bodies at local level, especially in the farmers associations' structure. TARGETED OUTCOME(S): Strengthened CSOs: (3) Farmers' organisations are strengthened by having a gender approach in governance and plans; (4) A sustainable peasant seeds system is strongly supported by enabled advisory frameworks of Civil Society Organisations. EARLY AND INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES 1. 1100 Improved Policies # Governments: Global Actors: # Cases of (sub) national governments or global actors adopting/implementing improved gender sensitive promoting small scale producers landrights <(>&<)> access towater (following Oxfam/partners actions) 2. 1400 Improved Policies: # of cases where Oxfam/partners influenced the Governments or global actors in adopting/implementing policies on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and (iii) Climate Change with a gender sensitive lens. 3. 1440 Increased Citizen Voice: # of people (M/F) take action on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and (iii) Climate Change with a gender sensitive lens following Oxfam/partners actions. 4. 1420 Strengthened CSOs: # or national CSOs increasingly participate in or initiate influencing and advocacy efforts on (i) Sustainable food production and consumption, (ii) Land Rights and(iii) Climate Change with a gender sensitive lens. 5. 1520 Strengthened CSOs: # CSOs influencing and advocating on farmers freedom to operate, positively strengthen innovation plant breeding and promote plant genetic diversity and Farmers Rights (as defined in ITPGRFA) contributing to the right to food. OXFAM'S PROJECT CONTRIBUTION The main contribution of Oxfam in this project is to supportthe planning, organization, control and steering the activities; ensure capacity building for all the partners administratively, technically and financially;the compilation and analysis of progress and final reports and their submission to HQ as well as the MEAL and survey implied therein.

CED Earth Day Mobilisation in Africa


The purpose of the project is to convince actors in selected countries to join in a series of national activities around the campaign objectives on or around April 22nd, 2017 Activities will all aim at: - Pointing out violations of local communities and indigenous peoples# land and resources rights - Suggesting solutions or paths to be explore for properly addressing the issues of local communities/indigenous peoples land and resources rights Some activities could include: - Press conferences bringing together victims of violation and land and resources rights - Series of papers in newspapers exposing violations of land and resources rights - Opinion pieces in the media exposing weaknesses in the policies or legislations on land and resources rights - Public statements by preeminent personalities in support to local communities/ indigenous peoples# struggles - Meetings of victims with national authorities to convey messages on needs The countries targeted Countries will be selected according to a set of criteria a. The presence of a network of partners of at least one of the co-conveners (ILC, OXFAM, RRI) b. An ongoing land law reform process c. The strategic nature of the country for catalyzing reforms in other countries On the grounds of those criteria, the following 18 countries are targeted: 1. West Africa: Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, Togo 2. Central Africa: Cameroon, Chad, CAR, Republic of Congo, DRC, Gabon 3. Eastern and Southern Africa: Uganda, Tanzania, Madagascar, Malawi, South Sudan and Kenya. They all represent the cultural diversity of Africa (except the Maghreb), and the different production models and legal systems existing in the continent. They also collectively represent a huge diversity of problems associated to the recognition and protection of communities# rights. What will happen 1. CED will coordinate with one NGOs or platform in each of the targeted countries to find out the possibility of getting theminvolved in the campaign 2. CED will explore possibilities of having activities on April 22nd, and will have a set of activities for each of the countries agreeing to be part of the campaign 3. CED will provide support directly or through one of the co-conveners (technical support) 4. With the 10 000 Dollars provided by Oxfam, CED will be able to provide a small amount to cover costs that can#t be covered otherwise 5. CED will gather information on the activities and report on what happened during the campaign in the selected countries.