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Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 831 - 835 of 2116

Scoping study land documentation


This project entails a scoping study that aims to establish key criteria for a large scale land documentation effort in partnership with local partners and corporate members of the cocoa industry. With the outcome of the study, land documentation in Côte d’Ivoire can be improved which will strengthen the position of many smallholder farmers. The lack of proper land rights has a far-reaching consequences on the position of smallholder farmers in Côte d’Ivoire, since access to land is a critical prerequisite for sustainable livelihoods.

Kinshasa improved cookstoves factory


Note: This project has been cancelled after several delays. Because of among other things the markets situation, the project was implemented only at half of the planned capacity.The applicant has been active as a carbon credits broker in Africa, supports SMEs in the renewable energy sector and is active in the production of improved cook stoves in Ghana and marketing these also in Côte d’Ivoire. The local partner is also active in the area of renewable energy and has worked together with the applicant on Clean Development Mechanism projects in DR Congo. They have also experimented with introducing imported improved cooking stoves in DR Congo. The joint venture will set up a completely new factory for improved cooking stoves in Kinshasa. This factory will start to produce higher quality and cheaper cook stoves than now available in this market that will allow its users to cut down a quarter up to half of their carbon use.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)The processing method is a proven technology outside Sudan and to a large extent mechanical; risks for pollution with negative impact on health and environment is considered small. Where such risks are identified protective measures will be taken. The project will, for example, train the farmers and supply protective clothing and improved tools for the collection of raw gum from the savannah. During the formulation phase of the project the MVO Risk Checker has been used to carry out to analyse potential risks in the supply chain.Impact• Employment and working conditionsThe partners in the joint venture will continue to diversify their activities in the joint venture, and invest in trading in sesame, groundnuts, animals (cattle and sheep).A potential obstacle for the collection and trading of crude gum Arabic is the aging farming population as young famers move to urban centres, as the collection of gum is not attractive to new generations. Therefore, the joint venture will continue the policy to support livelihood development for the local population by paying competitive prices for the crude gum, and investing in social services such as, education, health, water and electricity (solar power). Presently, farmers are scattered around the rural areas, and with investment in social services, the project intends to contribute to the development of small rural centres, which will be attractive for young farmers and their families, who can continue working in the gum Arabic sector.The joint venture plans to establish five plantations of gum Arabic trees by planting trees in the existing savannah (no mono-culture). Each plantation will be 2,100 ha (5,000 feddan), which will provide a good basis for sustainable gum production. Sustainable production will enable the company to stabilise prices and maintain stocks. It is expected that with the expansion of the production base the capacity of the two factories will need to be doubled in terms of output and personnel. It is expected that each plantation will yield at least 300 tons of crude gum Arabic for further processing into the various grades.After the project the joint venture will expand to the regions of Kordofan and Blue Nile. The lessons learnt in Darfur will be used for the expansion of the operations of the joint venture.• Innovation / Transfer of knowledgeTechnical innovationThe joint venture will introduce processing technology which is innovative for the gum Arabic industry in Sudan. The project will establish a spray drying processing plant capable of refining raw gum Arabic into powder and granules for export as well as the local market.Social innovationAlthough donors (FAO) have implemented gum Arabic development projects in Sudan, this has not yet been done in a commercial environment. The project will engage directly with farmers’ communities in Dar Fur and introduce improved harvesting methodologies, provide selected seeds for plantations, and introduce improved handling and cleaning methods, this in combination with investments in community development (social services). This can be considered an innovative approach in an area, which has been and still is characterised by insecurity and conflict.• Chain effectsAt the level of the production, the number of farmers delivering gum Arabic to the project will increase from 1,500 in 2014 to 4,500 in 2018. The total yield of crude gum Arabic will vary from year to year due to climate fluctuations in temperature and rainfall, but is estimated at 1,400 tons in the beginning of the project to 4,050 tons at the end of the project. The producers will be trained various aspects of gum production: quality control, proper tapping of the Acacia trees, introduction of new tools, use of plastic sheets under the Acacia tree during tapping to prevent contamination, use of plastic gloves, and provision of jute bags for 10 kg of crude gum for transportation to the factory. Protective clothes will be provided to the farmers at a reduced cost. The payment to the farmers for the crude gum will be in cash, which is in sharp contrast with the present system of payment in kind which is presently practised by most traders (middlemen). Farmers prefer payment in cash. Prices will be discussed and agreed upon in discussions with representatives of farmers’ groups (associations).Introduction of proper tree husbandry and the planting of trees with proper spacing will contribute to the restoration of soil fertility in the fallow system. This will allow a more successful crop after the productive life of the gum trees. Production levels of sesame, groundnuts, millet and sorghum will be higher, benefitting the local farmers. Gum trees are productive between 3 and 20 years. If properly managed the trees can be used for construction, firewood and charcoal. The benefits of the planting and proper management of gum Arabic trees can be summarised as follows:Direct benefits- Acacia Senegal trees’ leafs and pods are used as fodder for cattle, sheep and camels.- Older trees are often cut for fuel wood.- Arabic gum trees are suitable in the bush-fallow and intercropping system prevalent in the project area.- Older trees are used for charcoal production.- Gum Arabic trees are used for construction.Indirect benefits- Gum Arabic trees’ deep tap root and extensive lateral root system reduces.- Soil erosion.- Gum Arabic trees serve as wind breaks.- Acacia Senegal fixes nitrogen in the soil.- The gum Arabic belt acts as a buffer against desertification.About 2% of the gum is consumed on the local market, but an increase in local demand is expected, especially for the high grade spray dried product, which presently mostly imported. With the spray dry processing plant in operation it is expected that the dependency of Sudan on imported spray dry gum can be reduced and foreign exchange saved.• Impact on the sectorThe joint venture will be an active member of both the international Gum Arabic Association (France) and the national Gum Arabic Council, a government body where information on marketing policies and prospects is exchanged. All stakeholders participate, such as exporters, importers, producers, and processors.Technical know-how and experience is shared with the University of Khartoum (Chemistry Department) and the Gum Arabic Research Centre of the University of Kordofan, which will also provide consultancy services to the project. The project will organise a seminar for all stakeholders of the sector to present the achievements and challenges of the new spray dry technology and disseminate information. The project has the ambition to be an example to other actors and stakeholders in the gum Arabic sector, aiming at improving industrial and employment standards in the chain.The project will cooperate with a quality control laboratory in Sudan to meet the requirements for international certification.• EnvironmentDue to re-occurring droughts in the project area in the past years resulting from climate change, the agro-forestry system has undergone substantial deterioration.Tree mortality has been high and the bush fallow system which provides the livelihood of the local population is threatened. The project is aiming to contribute to reverse this trend by introducing improved gum tree husbandry methods and the establishment of new plantations with selected seeds. The improved bush fallow system will contribute to the restoration of soil fertility through fixation of nitrogen by the gum Arabic of the Leguminosae family. Soil and wind erosion will be reduced by the wind break effects of the trees and the protection against soil erosion.After the fallow period of 15 to 20 years the Acacia trees can be cut and replaced by new trees. In this period other dry-land crops such as sesame, groundnut, sorghum and millet can be planted which will benefit from the restored fertility levels in the soil. In this way proper land management will contribute to food security. Improved production of gum Arabic and food crops will have beneficial effects on rural family income and improved livelihood. It is not possible to quantify these effects. The gum Arabic belt acts as a buffer against desertification.• Position of womenThe project will employ about 250 seasonal female workers. Working conditions (salary, health, etc) will be competitive with other sectors; the wages will be 10% above minimum (government) wages. The workers will be encouraged to form a union, representing the workers.• Impact on waterGum Arabic trees deep tap root and extensive lateral root system reduces soil erosion. Gum Arabic trees serve as windbreaks. Acacia Senegal fixes nitrogen in the soil. The Gum Arabic belt acts as a buffer against desertification.


Setting up a factory for the production of improved cook stoves of the Jiko type with a production capacity of 10,000 stoves per month.

Rights based REDD+ :Global policy


Outcome 1: The international climate regime for land-use and forests includes a rights-based approach and provisions to protect natural ecosystems • Outcome 2: Indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities enjoy greater respect for their land rights and are recognised for their sustainable management and protection of the rainforest. Implemented by RFN and Naturvernforbundet

CO-FAIR4ALL Agricultural Value Chains KH


The FAIR4ALL Project in Cambodia aims to strengthen the CS so that it is able to promote sustainable trade value chains across the banana and rubber sectors that are inclusive and fair for smallholders, women entrepreneurs and agriculture workers, while respecting human rights and protecting the environment. To achieved this ambition, the project has focusing on the 4 pathways of changes. Theproject working with different stakeholders ranking from Union groups, Small-holder farmer, entrepreneur, large scale agriculture investors/PS, business association and government agencies in Cambodia. The project working in 7 provinces of Cambodia namely KampongThom, Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri and Kampot with 7 NGOs partners and onegovernment agency that working at national and sub-national level. Oxfam in Cambodia is one of the successful country office of Oxfam Novib (the PMU), that were selected to joint with other consortium with Huairou Commission, SOMO and Third World Network-Africa (TWN-Africa) received grant reward from the Dutch’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 2021-2025 under thematic of “Trade and Making Value Chains more Sustainable”. In Cambodia, there are 7 local NGOs partners and one government department of General Directorate of Rubber will implement the project and contributes to outcomes result planned. FAIR4ALL is a 5 years program that will implement in 7 provinces including Kampong Thom, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Tboung Khmum, Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri and Kampotof Cambodia. FAIR4ALL program is lie under two program pillars of OiC; Natural Resources Governance and Voice for Changes. In NRG, the program will be oversight day to day by the Land Governance Coordinator Program and Influencing Coordinator of V4C with the strategic and leadership support of V4C and NRG program managers. The program aims to strengthen the CS so that it is able to promote sustainable trade value chains across the banana and rubber sectors that are inclusive and fair for smallholders, women entrepreneurs and agriculture workers, while respecting human rights and protecting the environment. The program has also strategically emphasis on the labor protection, social protection and fiscal accountability and trade reform of Budget Working Group which are equally important pillars for the inclusive and sustainable development. Each implementing partner will be focusing on all or selected Pathway for changes based on their staff capacity, skill and areaof expertise. After completed updated and performance partners risk assessment using PRISMA tools, all these partners were ready tostart up the implementation stage of the project as detail in next sessions.

Insurance Conv. Impl Pillar 2 WAPNL


Through regular, active participation in the Steering Group of the IMVO Convergent Insurance sector and in 4 working groups (Themes, Annual Theme, Monitoring and Reporting, Joint Priorities), the applying NGOs will: - actively contribute to the implementation of the covenant, including the formulation of texts for policy frameworks, the establishment of a monitoring system, agreements on the annual theme and the selection and discussion of cases. - actively monitor the progress of the implementation ofthe covenant, and (where possible) contribute to (the development of) possible solutions; - contribute their specific knowledge and information as described under 1.5. As the duration of the covenant is longer than the duration of this application, a financial solution will still have to be found for the participation and contributions of the NGOs described in the last months of the covenant (January - July 2023). The participating NGOs bring their specific knowledge and information about human rights (including children's rights, gender equality and land rights), climate change, controversial weapons and arms trade, nature, the fight against corruption, health (including access to medicines) and animal welfare in the local context. The NGOs will contribute by sharing their expertise with the Partiesand Insurers with regard to, among other things: # Contacts with local stakeholders; # The development of civil society in developing countries; # ESG risks; # Ways to remove barriers to the completion of ESG policies, such as freedom of association; # Contacts with governments in unstable, conflict-affected or quasi-uncontrolled areas; # Contacts with the government of states where frequent serious impacts frequently occur; # Protection of (human rights) activists; # Gathering local evidence with regard to ESG violations In addition, the NGOs will provide the parties and insurers with (background) information, knowledge, analysis, perspectives and /or advice on matters such as: # Actual and potential impacts in the field of ESG, with a clear indication of the status of this information; # General ESG policies and procedures for ESG due diligence; # Colleague and partner organizations. The NGOs will also contribute to the prioritizationof risks based on knowledge of (future) international standards and their global and international overview, perspective and network and will consult with the parties on improving the situation of the injured parties.