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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 801 - 805 of 2113

NGO Forum Core Support 2015


NGOF is one of the leading NGOs network organizations in Cambodia, composed of local and international NGOs, mandated to serve as avenue for information sharing, exchange of ideas and advocacy on priority issues affecting Cambodia#s development. In its new strategic plan 2015-2017, It has four main programme include Environment, Development Issues, Research Information Center and Land and Livelihoods programs, while private sector engagement is integrated in to the Land and Livelihoods and Environment programme. Oxfam Novib support to NGOF for 2015 focus only the Land and Livelihoods Programme. The goal of this project is to ensure that NGOs workingon land issues cooperate to secure access to land and sustainable livelihoods, benefitting the poor <(>&<)> vulnerable for the local communities. At the same time, to enhance NGOs and affected communities participation to trigger land conflict resolution by relevant stakeholders to ensure land tenure security with gender sensitivity. The project will continue to implement gender mainstreaming. The strategic intervention of this project is framed around: 1) Policy dialogue and advocacy on land reform based on the inclusion of gender disaggregated data collection. 2) Emergency assistance will be provided to stakeholders who are poor and female / female-headed households who are involved in land conflicts. 3) Capacity building for members in monitoring and documentation of conflicts; 4) awareness-raising and advocacy in a systematic, complete and gender-responsive manner. Research projects will further monitorthe trends that are disadvantaging the poor and vulnerable, especially women in terms of Land Conflicts, Compensation, Forced Evictions, land registration as well as Economic Land Concessions.

Sekelekani- Petroleum/Gas Accountability


In Mozambique, Oxfam is partnering with two national organizations and district level paralegal organizations. Sekelekani is communication and media advocacy organization created by Tomas Vieira Mario # a notable Mozambican journalist and media lawyer. Sekelekanifocuses on communication for development and advocates for freedom of information and freedom of the press. Sekelekani is part of the National Civil Society Platform for Natural Resources and Extractive Industries, composed of 18 organizations. Sekelekani leads the communications work for the Platform, and has been actively exposing resettlement and land titling problems encountered in Palma district, where a proposed new liquid natural gas (LNG) plant will be built. Centro Terra Viva (CTV) is an environmental research and advocacy NGO that works for the protection and promotion of sustainable development. Established in 2002, CTV#s works to strengthen civil society participation in national decision-making processes through applied research onenvironmental law and policies, environmental education and training. In the Palma district, CTV is training and supporting local community paralegals leading rights training and disseminating information about environmental and land legislation to communities in the project area, with a specific focus on gender equality.

CTV - Petroleum and Gas Accountability


In Mozambique, Oxfam is partnering with two national organizations and district level paralegal organizations. Sekelekani is communication and media advocacy organization created by Tomas Vieira Mario # a notable Mozambican journalist and media lawyer. Sekelekanifocuses on communication for development and advocates for freedom of information and freedom of the press. Sekelekani is part of the National Civil Society Platform for Natural Resources and Extractive Industries, composed of 18 organizations. Sekelekani leads the communications work for the Platform, and has been actively exposing resettlement and land titling problems encountered in Palma district, where a proposed new liquid natural gas (LNG) plant will be built. Centro Terra Viva (CTV) is an environmental research and advocacy NGO that works for the protection and promotion of sustainable development. Established in 2002, CTV#s works to strengthen civil society participation in national decision-making processes through applied research onenvironmental law and policies, environmental education and training. In the Palma district, CTV is training and supporting local community paralegals leading rights training and disseminating information about environmental and land legislation to communities in the project area, with a specific focus on gender equality.

Country Office 506491 Oxfam Novib Senega


From 12 till 17 May 2015 the biannual forum of the International Land Coalition will come to Dakar. The ILC forum brings together various actors on land issues, State actors, NGO#s, Bi- and Multilateral Donors, indigenous organizations, farmers# coalitions, etc.Senegal is hosting the Assembly this year and President Macky Sall will most likely open. The forum has a political focus and this year the focus will be on Africa land issues. For Oxfam Senegal the 2015 GLF is an occasion to position our workon Land Reform and the role Oxfam plays globally to make the change by aligning all actors #efforts to promote inclusive land governance#. ILC expect participation of Oxfam in pre and post forum process and facilitating the link from local to global. Oxfam in Senegal has been involved in the preparatory meeting GLF (5 <(>&<)> 6 Feb 2015 Dakar). ILC has asked for support in the organizing committee (CNO) Oxfam International encourages us to be part of it. Since 2011 Oxfam International is a member of ILC. Michael Taylor recognized the importance of Oxfam. Oxfam participated in the last forum held in Guatemala in term of advocacy, lobbying and Oxfam WIN has been very much valued as well. Oxfam International Global Land Program (Duncan Pruett) and the GlobalCall to Action (Stefan Verwer) with partner Maliasili are planning to organize side events during the forum which will focus on promoting a culture of action and land governancestrategy. Oxfam Senegal will also host a workshop on involvement of privatesector and donors. We get input for this from our Oxfam colleagues in Boston and The Hague. We will link to Senegal land issues, LPI and the outcomes of Addis program development committee. 300 to 400 hundred people are expected in the forum and it will bean opportunity to build momentum. In Senegal, CICODEV is a member of ILC and is asked by ILC to be the lead national organizer of the forum. In view of our Land Program in Senegal and the interest Oxfam has in the ILC we have decided to support theForum for the budget line interpretations. This does not include costs for partners and speakers of our workshop which will be eventually paid from the budget of April 2015- Dec 2015.

Policy lobby and CSOs capacity building


By the end of 2014 PADETC has achieved the following results: Outcome I: Education for Sustainable Development The ESD model has been further developed as a lasting contribution to development discourse in Lao PDR: • The 6 centers and networks provide cost-recovery development services: comprising training (short and medium-term courses); practicum sites for real life demonstration and extension work; sites for exhibition and product promotion; and centers of documentation of best practices through a shared network of resource persons. • More than 60 youth leaders from 30 youth groups have been empowered through skills training and experiential learning practices. Disadvantaged youth groups have developed leadership, life skills, English and IT competencies through cooperation with educational institutions such as SOLS/24/7 on employment skills training. • Build capacities of 30 youth groups to produce socially relevant information for dissemination and promotion of sustainable livelihoods. • Workshops on ‘sharing teaching and learning experience’ among the school networks. These workshops will mainly be organized in VTE capital at least one per year for education officers (MoE, 6 provincial education offices), teachers and students from the school network. • Organize an educational film festival event once a year. Outcome II: Enabling Environment Support for Lao CSOs • More than >20 new NPAs (include the learning centres) are equipped with good management skills and increased awareness about good governance and accountability practices. • Provide leadership coaching and mentoring the Lao NPAs though close collaboration with LHD <(>&<)> Consortium members. • Organize 2 forums of exchange with the networks and partners ‘Development Aid Effectiveness’. Outcome III: Policy advocacy • PADETC will develop an advocacy strategy based on its considerable experience of effective best practices to integrate the new teaching-learning method into the MoE and address issues related to land and biodiversity with the National Land Management Authority. • PADETC participates on a regular basis in NPA/INGO sector meetings, and maintains bilateral contacts with the relevant authorities to forward its own advocacy objectives. • PADETC, currently active in the sub-committees and National Organising Committee (NOC) for AEPF9, therefore it will monitor the implementation of outcome document of AEPF9. Similarly, PADETC will continue to support the increased ability of Lao NPAs andMO ‘government’ to work together. Outcome IV: Padetc becomes a learning organisation • Have an effective and efficient Planning,Monitoring, and Evaluation system, with the required competencies among senior management level and among field staff level. • Havean Action Research and Monitoring unit with the capacity to analyse data and information, and capture learning for policy advocacy. • Have a clear gender <(>&<)> diversity policy at both organisational level and in programme; with the required competencies at senior management level as well as among field staff. • Be a role model for the emerging Lao civil society such as the Lao Youth Network, the Vientiane Youth Centre, and other similar groups that work on the empowerment of youth to promote active citizenship.