Our international network of partners encompasses academic institutions, data aggregators, government bodies, publishers, farmers associations, NGOs and other civil society actors. Explore the range of organizations using the Land Portal below and join the network today.
Singapore Academy of Law Journal
The Singapore Academy of Law Journal (“SAcLJ”) (ISSN 0218-2009) is a peer-reviewed journal of legal articles relevant to Singapore and the common law legal systems. Other than academic articles, it also carries commentary, case notes, book reviews and selected lectures delivered by distinguished speakers at Singapore Academy of Law lectures.
Singapore Management University
A premier university in Asia, the Singapore Management University (SMU) is internationally recognised for its world-class research and distinguished teaching.
Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana
The Central American Integration System (Spanish: Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana, or SICA) has been the economic and political organization of Central American states since February 1, 1993.
Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe
El Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe (SELA) es un organismo regional intergubernamental, creado el 17 de octubre de 1975 mediante el Convenio de Panamá. Constitutivo del Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (SELA)*, con sede en Caracas, Venezuela.
SNC Lavalin International
Founded in 1911, SNC-Lavalin is a global fully integrated professional services and project management company and a major player in the ownership of infrastructure. From offices around the world, SNC-Lavalin's employees are proud to build what matters.
Social and Solidarity Economy
Information on the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is spread across many different websites in various languages. Researchers have not reached a consensus on definitions, and terms are used differently depending on which continent you are on, ranging from popular economy and solidarity economy to social economy and social and solidarity economy (the term we will use on this site).
Social Enterprise Development Centre
The LUMS Social Enterprise Development Centre (SEDC) is working towards capacity building of social enterprises since 2001. Its priority areas include governance, education, health, gender, and micro-finance/poverty reduction.
Social Science Research Network
SSRN is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks.
Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria
Entre los fines de la SEHA está fomentar la investigación, el intercambio de opiniones, la enseñanza y la divulgación del conocimiento científico referentes a la historia agraria y a la economía y la sociedad rurales, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria.
Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural
A SOBER é uma Sociedade Científica, Cultural e Educacional que tem o objetivo de desenvolver as ciências sociais rurais (Administração, Economia, Extensão, Comunicação e Sociologia Rural), e suas correlatas.
Society for Ecological Restoration
Incorporated in 1988, the Society for Ecological Restoration is a global community of restoration professionals that includes researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and the Americas.
Society for Range Management
The Society for Range Management is the professional scientific society and conservation organization whose members are concerned with studying, conserving, managing and sustaining the varied resources of the rangelands which comprise nearly half the land in the world. Established in 1948, SRM has over 4,000 members in 48 countries, including many developing nations.