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Women’s Experiences On Food Security In Kenya: Major Challenges That They Face

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

This paper discusses the major challenges women in Kenya face as they try to ensure and maintain food security at the household level. The challenges include access to and ownership of resources such as land, finance, water and affordable cooking energy; access to markets and proper infrastructure and

Social capital, conflict, and adaptive collaborative governance : Exploring the dialectic

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Previously lineal and centralized natural resource management and development paradigms have shifted toward the recognition of complexity and dynamism of social-ecological systems, and toward more adaptive, decentralized, and collaborative models.

Gender and Land Statistics. Recent developments in FAO’s Gender and Land Rights Database

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2015

Although there is global consensus that women’s land rights are fundamental for the realization of food security and rural development, accurate and reliable statistics to monitor the attainment and realisation of these rights are still lacking.

Who Is Mama Ardhi?

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 2015

While the guarantees provided in the Katiba mark an extraordinary achievement for women’s land rights, many more steps are needed to reach gender-equitable land ownership in Tanzania. Mama Ardhi members therefore continue to advocate for additional changes in policy and practice that will bring about real transformation for women, their children and society as a whole. 

Proceedings of the Workshop on “Women’s Land Rights in India in the Context of the SDGs”

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 2015

This is the proceedings of a Workshop organized at India International Center, Lodi Road, New Delhi, India by Center for Land Governance, NRMC, Bhubaneswar with the  support of  The World Bank, New Delhi.  In this workshop, the study team shared the state and district-wise WLR maps segregated across caste and economic categories along with temporal trend.

Strengthening Dryland Women's Land Rights

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2015

Land and land-based natural resources are the foundation of livelihoods for millions of people and are related to social, cultural and spiritual identity. This is particularly the case for drylands people, who, due to low and variable rainfall and water availability, have developed adaptive strategies in response to seasonal, climatic and environmental change.