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Act No. 48/V/98 regulating forestry activity.

LandLibrary Resource
Cape Verde
Western Africa

This Act regulates forestry activity. It consists of 14 Chapters specifying authorized activities to be performed by public and private entities in order to protect national forests. It also establishes national administration competencies and actions to be carried out by the Government of Cape Verde for managing forestry resources.

Law on the lease of agricultural land.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Asia

Provisions of this Act apply also to forests and certain inland waters exploited for agricultural purposes, certain buildings and other objects listed in article 2. Agricultural lands are arable lands, natural meadowlands and pastures. The basis of lease is an agreement between lessor and lessee.

Law of 1997 on land fees.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Asia

The purpose of this Law is to charge citizens, business entities, and organizations with fees for possessing and/or using state-owned land, and to regulate the relations arising from paying the fees to the state budget.

Soil Conservation (Scotland District) Act.

LandLibrary Resource

This Act makes provision with respect to soil conservation in the Scotland District and for this purpose establishes the Scotland District Soil Conservation Board.The Board shall advise the Minister on the utilization of lands in the conservation area, i.e. the area as set out in the First Schedule to this Act.

Decree No. 290 on Agricultural Law.

LandLibrary Resource
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Eastern Asia

The Law totals 78 Articles and is divided in the following Chapters and: I, Fundamentals of the Agricultural Law; II, Agricultural Production; III, Strengthening of Material and Technological Foundation of Agriculture; IV, protection of Agricultural Resources; V, Management of Agricultural Products.

Ley Nº 5/1990 - Ley relativa al aprovechamiento de pastos en los montes de Cantabria.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

Esta Ley complementa las normas locales sobre pastoreo basadas fundamentalmente en los usos y costumbres. Se aplica a los pastos en régimen común, a las zonas tradicionalmente destinadas al pastoreo así como a otras áreas situadas en la inmediata proximidad de las de pastoreo (arts. 1º-3º).