Zimbabwe Deceased Estates Succession Act LandLibrary Resource Zimbabwe Deceased Estates Succession Act декабря, 1996 Zimbabwe
Central African Republic Family Code LandLibrary Resource Central African Republic Family Code декабря, 1996 Central African Republic
Tanzania Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Act LandLibrary Resource Tanzania Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Act декабря, 1996
Niger Determing the Modalities of the Inscription of Land Rights LandLibrary Resource Niger Determing the Modalities of the Inscription of Land Rights декабря, 1996 Niger
Burkina Faso Decree on the Conditions of the Application of Law on Agrarian and Land Reorganization LandLibrary Resource Burkina Faso Decree on the Conditions of the Application of Law on Agrarian and Land Reorganization декабря, 1996 Burkina Faso
Gender, Property Rights, and Natural Resources LandLibrary Resource Gender, Property Rights, and Natural Resources декабря, 1996
Tanzania Agriculture and Livestock Policy LandLibrary Resource Tanzania Agriculture and Livestock Policy декабря, 1996