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Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Forest Tenure Pledge Annual Report 2023–2024

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2024

The FTFG is making significant progress on its $1.7 billion, five-year commitment to support Indigenous Peoples and local communities in securing land tenure and promoting forest guardianship in tropical regions. As of 2023, nearly $1.34 billion (79% of the total pledge) has been disbursed, with $521 million in funding reported for that year alone.

Compromiso de tenencia forestal de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales Informe Anual 2023–2024 RESUMEN EJECUTIVO

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2024

El FTFG está logrando avances significativos en su compromiso de 1.700 millones de dólares a cinco años para apoyar a los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales en la seguridad de la tenencia de tierras y la promoción de la gestión forestal en las regiones tropicales.

Engagement en faveur des droits de tenure forestière des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales Rapport Annuel 2023–2024 | SYNTHÈSE

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2024

Le FTFG fait des progrès significatifs dans son engagement de 1,7 milliard de dollars sur cinq ans pour soutenir les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales dans la sécurisation des droits fonciers et la promotion de la gestion des forêts dans les régions tropicales.

Fundo para o Manejo Florestal Indígena e Comunitário Relatório Anual 2023–2024 SUMÁRIO EXECUTIVO

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2024

O FTFG está fazendo progressos significativos em seu compromisso de 1,7 bilhão de dólares ao longo de cinco anos para apoiar os povos indígenas e as comunidades locais na garantia da posse da terra e na promoção da gestão florestal nas regiões tropicais.

Suriname Evidence and Protests Ignored: Degradation of Saamaka Territory Deepens

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
октября, 2024

On the 28 of June 2024, the Forum of African Traditional Authorities (FATA) was officially launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This significant event marked a pivotal moment for traditional leaders across the continent, creating a unified platform to voice concerns, advocate for resources, and promote cooperation with governments on issues that affect their communities and nations.


LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
октября, 2024

Les Dialogues sur le foncier sont une série de webinaires dont la mission est de faire en sorte que les Peuples autochtones, les communautés locales et les Peuples afro-descendants, ainsi que leurs droits fonciers, soient au premier plan de l'agenda climatique.

Benin -Country Forest Note

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
августа, 2024

Country Forest Notes (CFNs) are a centerpiece of the World Bank Group’s Forest Action Plan (FY16–20) and Climate Change Action Plan (2016–2020). They provide a thorough assessment of the current status of forests, the forestry sector, and the investment needs to sustainably manage this valuable renewable natural resource.

El blanqueo ecológico en la Amazonía

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
июня, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

Este informe examina cómo las políticas de gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales (ESRM, por sus siglas en inglés) de los principales bancos que financian la extracción de petróleo y gas en la Amazonía no abordan plenamente los impactos adversos de su financiamiento en las personas y la naturaleza.

Enhancing the Role of Civil Society Platform in Africa: Land Policy Implementation in Africa

LandLibrary Resource
мая, 2024
The session explored the significant contributions of the Civil Society Platform (CSP) in promoting effective land policy implementation across Africa. The forum began with an overview of the CSP’s achievements, presented by the Chair, highlighting the platform’s role in advocating for inclusive and transparent land governance.