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Israel Bionyi is a Communication and Media Specialist. Award winning communications specialist and respected former journalist with strong passion for the planet. Double Masters in Communications, Media and PR from the Universities of Leicester and Douala. Over 6 years of experience in international development and journalism, where he supports women’s land rights, builds the capacity of Island states to fight climate change, and engages African institutions on energy and climate. Founded Development Media for Africa, an initiative that works to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights across Africa. He is Deputy Editor for the African Conservation Telegraph and a member of the International League of Conservation Writers. Won several awards for his work in media and development, including the UN Media for Social Impact Leadership Council Award 2018, the Science Media Award & Summit Fellowship, the African Development Bank Energy and Climate Fellowship, and the Haller Development Journalism Award.
Displaying 301 - 310 of 855Concours internes 2023
Système intégré de gestion du foncier urbain: Le comité de pilotage fait le point du projet
Une muraille verte pour promouvoir la paix et restaurer la nature dans la région du Sahel en Afrique
Élevage. En Tanzanie, l’abandon du pastoralisme nuit à la qualité des sols
La formation au métier d’agriculteur en Afrique : un besoin et une urgence
En Afrique subsaharienne, en 2020, 98 millions de jeunes âgés de 15 à 24 ans n’étaient pas scolarisés et le taux d’achèvement du premier cycle des études secondaires n’était que de 46 % en 2022 (Unesco).