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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 251 - 255 of 2116

FPP - Land Rights Now


Amplifying the Global Call to Action on Community and Indigenous Land Rights # These activities lead by Forest Peoples Program (FPP) and their partners in three countries contribute to amplifying the Global Call to Action on Indigenous and Community land rights by supporting local efforts to secure their lands, gaining support for them and creating momentum linking local and global to help them achieve their aims while also engaging governments, national human rights institutions and supporting local efforts at land and resource governance and management. FPP will offer communications support to allied organizations, and use social media and website to showcase the strongest outputs from these activities through and other media.

ORAM - Nampula


ORAM - Rural Association for Mutual Support, Mozambique A non-profit organisation created in 1992 by members of the Mozambican Christian Council. It seeks to support rural communities,in particular smallholder peasants,with the legalisation of their agriculturalland, management of natural resources and other rural enterprises. It has a director,assisted by a board of executive directors.ORAM started with three employees but now has over 200 staff with activities in seven of 10 provinces. The post-war resettlement of displaced people was carried out without major problems and conflicts, without costs for public administration systems, using customary systems of ownership. This served to illustrate of resilience of these systems. Nevertheless, thePeace and Reconstruction Commission of the Mozambique Christian Council did come across some land conflicts during its resettlement work of displaced people. This was considered a very sensitive question and the Council opted to create an NGO to deal withland issues. Thus, in 1992, ORAM (Rural Association for Mutual Support), which participated in this study, was created. Its 10 founding members belonged to the Mozambique Christian Council and the initial funding came from Christian Aid, whose first president was then also president of the Christian Council. Geographical locationof interventions of counterpartner: Provinces of Nampula and Zambezia General terms the interventions strategies that will be applied: Advocacy and lobbies activities # CSOs increasingly participate in or initiate influencing and advocacy efforts on access to land farmers especially women

ESAFF- Platforms for Small Scale Farmers


Eastern and Southern African Farmers Forum-Uganda (ESAFF-Uganda) is part of a regional small scale farmers# coalition established in 2002 during the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg to bring together small scale farmers, pastoralists and traditional fisher folks at different levels into a social movements with a common aspirations and ensure learning <(>&<)> linkages. ESAFF- Uganda will work with consortium members of R2F project and other likeminded organizations to push for the recognition of small scale farmers# voices by organizing and participating on high level lobby meetings, campaigns, dialogues and policy meetings. ESAFF #Uganda will also map and establish linkages with government entities directly involved in the sectors e.g. Agriculture that the program contribute towards. ESAFF Uganda will work directly with the small scale food producers to test the models (CMSS <(>&<)> CRAEM) to generate evidences in Amuru, Soroti, Amuria and Gulu, organize and participate in dialogues and events that push for recognition of small scale food producers# rights to seeds and lands for the realization of rights to food of women and other small scale food producers by taking advantage of spaces at her disposal at different levels which may include local, national, regional and global levels. ESAFF will ensure that the Farmers groups# capacity is strengthened through GALS methodology and also establish collaborations with the neighborhood assemblies- a platform under F4D where citizens raise their concerns to key decisions makers at local levels. ESAFF will also ensure that the small scale farmers are supported to attend important dialogues, conferences and workshops amongst others that advocate for secure seeds and land rights for small scale food producers.

FRA- Amplify seeds & land rights voices


Food Rights Alliance-FRA is a coalition that was constituted in 1999 to bring together Civil Society Organizations working in the field of sustainable agriculture and food security in Uganda. FRA has over the years grown to more than 60 national, international and local organizations, four regional food security networks in central, western and eastern Uganda with many individual membership subscriptions. Because of her national experience in her mandate of coordinating activities of its alliance against hunger and malnutrition of the Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO) in eastern Uganda in 2013, the Right to Food Program in Uganda will leverageon FRA experience and expertise. Specifically, FRA will perform the following tasks; Amplifying voices of the consortium CSOs and small-scale food producers in relation to secure seeds and land rights at national level for effective engagements on policy issues by both government and private sector. FRA will be a national convener responsible for identifying and creating platforms for Right to Food Partners at all levels and advising, supporting, participating and representing them in fora that advance small scale and women food producers# rights to seeds and land. FRA will also strengthen the program mediaengagements and presence, collaborations and linkages with key government entities, private sector players to voice key concerns related to seeds and land rights.

CO-R2F Program Facilitation & Cap Bldg.


This poject falls under the thematic areas Right to Food# through our work: In order to achieve our long term outcome, Oxfam Noviband SOMO distinguish three pathways for change. The first pathway focuses on the strengthening of civil society organisations, enabling them to increase their access to and influence on local, regional and global governments, institutions and the private sector and to build public and private support for more equitable governance of natural resources and resilient livelihoods. Where governance is poor or non-existent Oxfam Novib and SOMO will support CSOs to investigate, raise the issues, set (international) agendas, and engage with and convene relevant stakeholders to improve governance, policies and practice. For ournational level advocacy to be effective, we need support and facilitation of influential regional and global institutions and stakeholders, such as frontrunner companies, investors and sector initiatives. Therefore the second pathway focuses on engagementwith (potential) champions from the public and private spheres, with whom we prepare and make the case for policies, practices and alternative business models that address the interests of food producers and rural communities, particularly women, and theimplementation thereof. In cases where we cannot secure enough support or leverage, a third pathway provides us with an alternative # or complementary # route. By exerting critical pressure from public and media on key public or private decision makers,we are able to push for improved policies and practice on a range of local to global issues, varying from land reform and decent incomes to a more ambitious climate agenda. The impact that we are seeking with #Right to Food# is for women, men and children living in poverty to realise their right to food. Within this Theory of Change, this project in Mozambique has set the following objectives: The long term outcome is for small-scale food producers and agricultural workers, particularly women andtheir communities, to benefit from local, national and global public and private sector policies that protect and promote their prosperity and resilience. To achieve this long term outcome in Mozambique, Oxfam work together with the following partners: [1] AenA (National Association of Rural Extension) [2] Ajuda Mútua Rural ORAM / Nampula [Association for Rural Mutual Assistance] [3] ASCUT