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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 656 - 660 of 2116

Ford Found. Global Land Advocacy Grant


We promoted international targets and indicators on women#s and community#s land rights. In 2014-2015, Oxfam participated in the discussions over the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its monitoring framework by: i) leading the coalition of civil society organizations on this issue, and partnering with UN Agencies, research organizations, governments, and Major Groups in New York; ii) facilitating common positions across various initiatives, and developing policy material; iii) engaging with the Global Donor Platform on Rural Development, the Global Land Indicator Initiative, the Committee on World Food Security; iv) and providing inputs in consultations related to the Agenda. As result, in alliance with others, we secured: i) three robust targets on land rights (1.4, 2.3 and 5a) in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda; ii) three strong indicators in its monitoring framework; iii) The World Bank, UN-Habitat, and FAO taking steps to track progress; iv) growing consensus around land rights targetsand indicators, as testified by joint policy positions and technical documents; v) The CFS starting a monitoring exercise on the Voluntary Guidelines on the ResponsibleGovernance of Tenure in October 2016.

ORAM Zambézia Strategic Plan 2012-14


ORAM Zambézia is one of the provincial delegations of ORAM. The provincial program in Zambézia is meant to reach: - 150 communities, directly reached know more about their legal rights linked to land, natural resources, local governance, environment and water (400.000 adults (250.000 women and 150.000 men) <(>&<)> 50.000 children and 10.000 community leaders). - 1 million people, indirectlyacquire knowledge on the above legal rights - 10 farmer associations created and trained (min. 50% women) - 12 women associationsinstalled with business plans - 30 community areas delimitation registered, including land use plans and 10 business plans - Community managed forestry concessions reduce environmental damage - 5 communities receive FIL funds with support from district farmerforum - 30 local land communities trained in natural resource management - 16 conflicts around land ownership and natural resources channelled to district governments - 10 short movies (5 min) produced on involvement of women in land and natural resources management and use.






Target Groups

Kituo cha Sheria –Legal Advice Centre (hereinafter referred to as “KITUO”) is dedicated to empowering disadvantaged and marginalized individuals in Kenya by ensuring their effective access to justice and the enjoyment of their human rights. Its comprehensive range of initiatives includes in-house legal aid services, legal education and clinics, public interest litigation, research, advocacy, networking, community outreach, mobilization, and the empowerment of communities through paralegal training and connection to formal legal services. KITUO’s key areas of focus encompass land rights, labour issues, housing, succession, forced migration, and broader human rights concerns. KITUO aims to empower impoverished and marginalized communities in exercising their human rights while creating pathways for efficient access to justice. KITUO possess extensive experience in implementing projects within the prison system, enhancing access to justice within the criminal justice framework, and alternative justice systems. During the reporting period, KITUO successfully implemented activities supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy. The project aimed to strengthen access to justice for the poor and marginalized, employing various means such as legal aid provision through the MHAKI SMS platform, legal aid clinics, capacity building for community and prison-based paralegals, outreach efforts, advocacy for pro-poor policies, and public interest litigation. With the support of the Netherlands Embassy, KITUO significantly enhanced access to justice for the poor and marginalized. Trained paralegals and prison officers played a crucial role in this achievement, resulting in the acquittal of over 800 inmates and the issuance of non-custodial sentences for 700 individuals. This success contributed to the decongestion of correctional facilities, alleviating overcrowding and improving the living conditions for the remaining inmates. Additionally, the project facilitated expedited processing of cases within the prison justice system, as the trained individuals possessed a better understanding of legal procedures, enabling them to navigate the system more efficiently and ensure timely resolution of legal matters. To ensure the program's sustainability, the Training of Trainers (TOT) approach was incorporated. This equipped 275 community paralegals with training skills, enabling them to train others in the future and disseminate information to community members. In 2022, more than 1,000 cases in the target regions were handled at the grassroots level through the community justice centers. Legal aid provision through clinics and the MHaki SMS platform reached over 2,000 people. Furthermore, community radio broadcasts reached an impressive audience of more than 3.6 million people. The findings and lessons learned from this project will guide future initiatives focused on strengthening access to justice and promoting legal empowerment for disadvantaged individuals in Kenya. The partnership between Kituo Cha Sheria and the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy has played a vital role in supporting these endeavours and will continue to be instrumental in driving positive change in the justice sector. Dr Annette Mbogoh, Executive Director, Kituo Cha Sheria- Legal Advice Centre

Economic Justice campaigning in Africa


The OI PAP EJ lead post provides added value to the EJ Food Justice in a Resource Constrained world / GROW campaign in Africa through different mechanisms. First the position enables Oxfam to maintain strategic partnerships with pan Africa allies and partners (PAFO, PACJA, ACORD, etc.) and to interact with continental targets like the AU and its department of Agriculture and rural developmentand the UN-ECA. The position provides the campaign and advocacy capacity to undertake campaign and advocacy workcomplementary to national and regional campaign work. The pan Africa land grabbing research report and its launch at the AU ministerial on agriculture illustrate this. The position is of strategic importance for internal coordination with Oxfam downwardsto the country programmes andupwards to the OI global machinery. With this post, the pan Africa programme will add value to the changes that countries want to achieve in the field of Economic Justice / GROW by engaging pan African spaces and developing cross regional initiatives. The African Union (AU) through initiatives such as CAADP, the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policies, and the Pastoral Policy Framework is shaping the discourse and creating policy frameworks in these key areas. These frameworks are also influencing country level policies. The OI pan Africa EJ lead post brings in opportunities to influence these frameworks and use them on country level work. Cross regional initiatives such as Female Food Heroes, Land Grabbing Response Toolkits, propositions on land laws to strengthen women’s landrights and common agricultural policy guidelines can strengthen the EJ campaigning across Africa.