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Reports & Research
Dezembro 2009

Forests, trees and woodlands cover almost one-third of the Earth’s land area. They are a crucial source of food and income for more than a billion people around the globe. They provide a variety of wood and non-wood products and vital ecosystem services – preventing erosion from wind and…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 11. Esta publicación compartida por la FAO y Naciones Unidas-Hábitat trata de comprender y definir mejor los procesos, los mecanismos y las instituciones de la gobernanza de la tenencia en áreas rurales y urbanas. En el documento se reconoce que…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Land Tenure Working Paper 11. This co-publication of FAO and UN-HABITAT seeks to better understand and define the processes, mechanisms and institutions of governance of tenure in rural and urban areas. The paper recognises that excellent land policies, laws and technical reforms have been…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

A incerteza dos direitos das mulheres e das crianças à propriedade e heranÃça em muitos países na ÃÂfrica sub sahariana não são um assunto novo. Os sistemas de apoio à família alargada que costumavam funcionar como redes de segurança social para as viúvas e crianças órfãs enfraqueceram como…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

Women and childrens' insecure rights to property and inheritance in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is not a new issue. The extended family support systems that used to function as social safety nets for widows and orphaned children have weakened as a consequence of societal changes…

Reports & Research
Novembro 2009

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 11. Cette publication conjointe entre la FAO et UN-HABITAT cherche à améliorer et à mieux définir les processus, mécanismes et institutions de gouvernance foncières dans les zones rurales et urbaines. Ce document, tout en soulignant l’excellence des…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro 2009

The completion of this comprehensive harmonized soil information database will improve estimation of current and future land potential productivity, help identify land and water limitations, and enhance assessing risks of land degradation, particularly soil erosion. The HWSD contributes sound…

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro 2009

Female-headed households often experience inequalities in access to resources and income-generating opportunities. Conflicts may make women poorer. But it is important to realise that conflicts also offer an opportunity for change in which gender stereotypes shift and gender roles and identities…

Junho 2009

This thesis was aimed at the development of a Geographical Information System (GIS) based model to support the Rwanda Land Use and Development Master Plan. Developing sustainable land management is the main task of this master plan. Stakeholder’s involvement was of key importance. Their demands…