Ce rapport, qui s’inscrit dans l’objectif du programme de RCN Justice & De?mocratie «Pour une justice de proximite? », pre?sente les re?sultats d’une e?tude des modes de re?solution de conflits fonciers par les syste?mes judiciaires et pre? judiciaires au Rwanda et propose des mesures…
Government of Rwanda has set out its long and medium term objectives for economic development and poverty reduction in its Vision 2020 and its Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS). A wide ranging reform of land tenure and land management forms a central part of Rwanda’s…
Ministerial Order N° 001/16.01 of 16/03/2009 Modifying Ministerial Order N° 01/16/00 of 19/09/2001 Modifying Rates for Renting and Selling State Owned Land.
Published on the 27 April 2009.
Land rights and the forest peoples of Africa - Historical, legal and anthropological perspectives
A series of five country studies, plus a broad overview, examining indigenous peoples' land rights in the forested countries of Africa.
The agricultural sector has been given a high priority in the government’s planning for development. The current national thrust is for the sector to move from subsistence to commercial mode of production. This strategy aims to increase household incomes and lead to a 50 per cent reduction in…
This paper analyzes the role of the leadership in the economic growth in Rwanda, a country that was seriously affected by civil war and the 1994 genocide. It appears that the will and the clear vision of the leadership in Rwanda were one of the central pillars of the very good economic and…
This paper analyzes the role of the leadership in the economic growth in Rwanda, a country that was seriously affected by civil war and the 1994 genocide. It appears that the will and the clear vision of the leadership in Rwanda were one of the central pillars of the very good economic and…
En septembre 2008, le projet FAO-Dimitra a organis son troisime atelier avec tous ses partenaires Bruxelles sur le thme : Stratgies dinformation et de communication pour lutter contre les ingalits de genre en matire daccs la terre et leurs consquences sur les populations rurales en…