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Trust Land (Shimba Hills) Rules.

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

These Rules regulate the occupation of land and the possession, herding or grazing in an area defined in Schedule 7 to the Government Lands Act. A person shall only occupy land on the basis of a valid licence to be issued by the Settlement Officer of a valid lease.

Afar National Regional State Rural Lands Administration and Use Proclamation No. 49/2009.

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

This Proclamation of the Afar National Regional State establishes a rural land administration system that is suitable for natural resource management and protection and that incentivizes investment within the traditional clan-based communal land tenure system.

Announcement No. 39 of 2009 of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China laying down the Farmland Environmental Quality Evaluation Standards for Livestock and Poultry Production (National Environmental Protection Standard H...

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Oriental

The purpose of this Standard is to implement the Environmental Protection Law, prevent and control environmental pollution, protect human health, and protect the ecological environment.This standard specifies requirements for the water environment quality, soil environmental quality, ambient air quality and environmental quality evaluation index, limit value, monitoring and evaluation method of

Resolución Nº 5.200 - Aprueba modificación al Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano.

LandLibrary Resource
América do Sul

Mediante las presentes disposiciones se aprueba el nuevo Manual de Procedimiento para la Vigilancia Sanitaria en Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano y se establecen los requisitos para el uso de Campos de Pastoreo Cordillerano.

Pastoral Land Regulations.

LandLibrary Resource

These Regulations, consisting of 31 sections divided into eight Parts, make provision with respect to procedures of the Pastoral Land Board established under section 11 of the Act, legal issues of pastoral leases, monitoring of pastoral land, access to pastoral land, licences to go onto and take certain things from pastoral land, procedures of appeal with an Appeals Tribunal and miscellaneous m

Law amending the Law on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law on pastures.

LandLibrary Resource
Sudoeste Asiático

This Law amends the Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization and the Law No. 4342 on pastures.This Law adds two new clauses (f) and (g) to Article. 13 of the Law No. 5403 on the use of agricultural lands other than agricultural purposes. The new clauses set forth agticultural lands may be used for renewable energy production purposes and geothermal greenhouse investments.

Forestry Sector Policy.

LandLibrary Resource
National Policies
Ásia Meridional

The Forestry Sector Policy is a national sectoral policy which sets forth long-term, medium-term and short term objectives relating to the sustainable use of forest resources.