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Act No. 48/V/98 regulating forestry activity.

LandLibrary Resource
Cabo Verde
África Ocidental

This Act regulates forestry activity. It consists of 14 Chapters specifying authorized activities to be performed by public and private entities in order to protect national forests. It also establishes national administration competencies and actions to be carried out by the Government of Cape Verde for managing forestry resources.

Ley Nº 9/1996 - Ley de Espacios Naturales de Navarra.

LandLibrary Resource
Europa meridional

El presente Ley tiene por objeto la regulación de los espacios naturales de Navarra que hayan sido declarados por ésta o por las entidades locales competentes como tales espacios por contener ecosistemas de especial interés o valores naturales sobresalientes, con la finalidad de garantizar su protección, conservación, restauración y mejora, y de constituir la Red de Espacios Naturales de Navarr

Local Government Act, 1998 (No. 42 of 1998).

LandLibrary Resource
África Oriental

This Act provides with respect to local government and local authority (i.e. a District Assembly, Town Assembly, Municipal Assembly or City Assembly) in Malawi. For the administration of local government, there shall be local government areas as set out in the First Schedule. This Schedule may be modified by the Minister. For every local government area there shall be an Assembly.

Loi nº 98-488 portant régime financier des Régions.

LandLibrary Resource
Costa do Marfim
África Ocidental

La présente loi est formée de quatre titres: Budget (I), Charges des Régions (II), Ressources (III), Comptabilité (IV). Tout en fixant les règles générales de gestion financière et comptable de la Région, cette loi précise que l'entretien des forêts, parcs naturels, zones et sites protégés constitue une dépense obligatoire de la Région.

Loi sur la procédure des améliorations foncières et forestières (LPAF).

LandLibrary Resource
Europa Ocidental

La présente loi met en exécution la loi fédérale du 3 octobre 1951 sur l'amélioration de l'agriculture et le maintien de la population paysanne. L’article 1er établit que les dispositions de la présente loi s'appliquent aux améliorations foncières et forestières qui sont conduites avec la participation des pouvoirs publics.

Law No. 473-Ic on promoting and ensuring investment activity.

LandLibrary Resource
Sudoeste Asiático

This Law establishes legal basis for carrying out either foreign or local investments end ensuring their protection. The purpose of the Law is to establish legal basis for promotion of investments. Investments are all types of property and intellectual values and rights invested and used in entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Georgia for the purpose of making profit.

Law on property (1990).

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Central

The property in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inviolate. Every person has a right for property. The existence of any form of property is allowed in the Republic of Uzbekistan which promotes the efficient functioning of the economy and the growth of the people's well-being. The inviolability and equal conditions for the development of all forms of property are guaranteed by this Law.

Law on state and local property.

LandLibrary Resource
Ásia Oriental

The purpose of this Law is to regulate relations arising from the matters of powers of the legislative and executive organs concerning ownership rights on state and local property, level of authority of a legal person with state property and its administration, principle and regulations of activity of an organ implementing policy on state property.

Ley Nº 1.314 - Código Rural.

LandLibrary Resource
América do Sul

La presente Ley contiene el Código Rural, el cual constituye el conjunto ordenado y sistemático de las normas administrativas, reglamentarias, de policía y jurisdiccionales de aplicación en el orden rural. Fija asimismo las normas que rigen el ejercicio, los derechos y obligaciones derivados de la actividad rural en cualquiera de sus especializaciones.