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The Forest Trust


Earthworm Foundation is a non-profit organisation built on values and driven by the desire to positively impact the relationship between people and nature.

With most of our staff operating directly on the ground where the issues are, we work with our members and partners to make value chains an engine of prosperity for communities and ecosystems.

Revista Brasileira de Climatologia

Revista Brasileira de Climatologia

A Revista Brasileira de Climatologia (RBCLima) é uma publicação oficial da Associação Brasileira de Climatologia – ABClima, associação científica sem fins lucrativos. Têm por objetivo divulgar artigos inéditos produzidos por pesquisadores e docentes que atuam na área de Climatologia, Geografia, Meteorologia, Ecologia, Agronomia, Engenharia, Arquitetura e demais áreas correlatas. Além da pretensão de ser um veículo de conhecimento e informação, propõe-se a estimular a produção científica dos estudiosos da climatologia e divulgar o estado da arte deste campo do conhecimento.




O Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social é uma instituição internacional, orientada pelos movimentos populares, focada em estimular o debate intelectual para o serviço das aspirações do povo.

Nossa história

O significado do Tricontinental:

Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Estatuto e Regimento Geral
Clique e faça o download do Estatuto da Ufam e do Regimento Geral da Universidade. 
Art. 1º. – A Universidade do Amazonas, com sede na cidade de Manaus, é uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior, criada nos termos da Lei nº. 4.069-A, de 12 de junho de 1962, do Decreto nº. 53.699, de 13 de março de 1964, mantida pela União, como entidade da administração indireta na forma da legislação em vigor.
Art. 2º.

Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network


The Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) focuses on environmental concerns and sustainable development options within the Horn of Africa. The Centre is an autonomous institution under Addis Ababa University. It facilitates, strengthens and advocates for initiatives related to land use planning, integrated water resources management, ecosystem management, climate change and energy and value chains for sustainable products and services. 

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands

The Ministry promotes the Netherlands as a country of enterprise with a strong international competitive position and an eye for sustainability. It is committed to creating an excellent entrepreneurial business climate, by creating the right conditions and giving entrepreneurs room to innovate and grow. By paying attention to nature and the living environment. By encouraging cooperation between research institutes and businesses. This is how we enhance our leading positions in agriculture, industry, services and energy and invest in a powerful, sustainable country. 

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative


Climate change, deforestation and poverty are global issues that go beyond the reach of single companies or governments; it takes public-private cooperation to solve them.

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative brings governments, companies, CSOs and financiers together in action driven coalitions. We orchestrate the powers of law, of entrepreneurship and investments to work together to create solutions for global sustainability issues at scale.

Environmental Justice Foundation


Dynamic, agile and effective, the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) is working to secure a world where natural habitats and environments can sustain, and be sustained by, the communities that depend upon them for their basic needs and livelihoods.

From the cotton fields of Uzbekistan to the coastal waters of West Africa, EJF is working in some of the world’s toughest and most remote countries to shine an international spotlight on the environmental and human rights abuses that too often go unnoticed.


Harakat Afghanistan Investment Climate Program is a non-profit organization working to make it easier to do business in Afghanistan. The organization works closely with government, civil society and private sector partners across four key areas.

Harakat follows on the successes of Harakat Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility, a program funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID) from 2009-2015. This program's 36 projects laid the foundation for a better business environment in Afghanistan.

Hen Mpoano

Hen Mpoano (Hɛn Mpoano) is a not-for-profit organization legally registered in Ghana since 2013 and based in Takoradi in the Western Region. Between 2009 to 2013, we existed and operated as Coastal Resources Center- Ghana, with affiliation to the Coastal Resources Center of the University of Rhode Island, USA. During this period, we led the implementation of the USAID-funded Integrated Coastal and Fisheries Governance (ICFG) Initiative for the Western Region of Ghana.


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