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Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2017

According to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (1996), “Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are persons or a group of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid effects of armed conflict, situation of generalised violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognised State border”. There are more IDPs in the world than refugees.

Kenya Natural Disaster Profile

Training Resources & Tools
Julho, 2016

Kenya’s landscape covers a total of 583 000 sq. km12 and is grouped into geographical zones including; the Savannah Lands covering most of the arid and semi- arid areas, the Coastal Margin, the Rift Valley, the Highlands and the Lake Victoria Basin. With a growth rate of 3.1% the population stands at approximately 29 million people. The country’s GNP/Capita is close to US$330. By the year 2010 and with a slow decline, the population is expected to reach a high of 39.3 million, 37.4 million with the medium decline and 35.5 million with a fast decline.

Making Land Rights Work: ZOA Land Rights Guidelines

Manuals & Guidelines
Dezembro, 2018
República Democrática do Congo

Secure access to land and secure use of land, for housing-, agricultural- and other purposes is one of the cornerstones of making sustainable, positive development possible. As ZOA provides relief, hope and recovery to people impacted by conflicts and disasters, addressing land rights issues will need to be a permanent point of attention in our work.

Gender and Climate Change: Supporting Resources Collection

Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2010

This Supporting Resources Collection - part of the BRIDGE Cutting Edge Pack on Gender and Climate Change- showcases existing work on gender and climate change. It presents summaries of a mix of conceptual and research papers, policy briefings, advocacy documents, case study material and practical tools from diverse regions. Examining why a focus on gender and climate change is important, the resources look at the human and gender impacts of climate change, the global and national responses to climate change and locally relevant gender aware responses to climate change.

Gender and Climate Change: Overview Report

Training Resources & Tools
Reports & Research
Outubro, 2011

Climate change is increasingly being recognised as a global crisis, but responses to it have so far been overly focused on scientific and economic solutions. How then do we move towards more people-centred, gender-aware climate change policies and processes? How do we both respond to the different needs and concerns of women and men and challenge the gender inequalities that mean women are more likely to lose out than men in the face of climate change? This report sets out why it is vital to address the gender dimensions of climate change.

Review of Selected Land Laws and the Governance of Tenure in the Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2014

The Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), was developed under the Committee on World Food Security as a result of collaboration among different groups of stakeholders – governments, civil society, private sector, academia. The VGGT is intended to provide a framework for responsible tenure governance that supports food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable resource use and environmental protection.

Comunidad 24 de Mayo: Mujeres kichwas defendiendo la tierra

Reports & Research
Março, 2017

En estas últimas décadas es un secreto a voces que las comunidades indígenas no solo hansufrido por este cambio, sino que han tenido que adaptarse a la práctica petrolera e incluso,participan de la destrucción del ecosistema más diverso del mundo. En la comunidadVeinticuatro de Mayo las mujeres son las principales opositoras del extractivismo, pues ésteha dañado sus tierras.

Ministerial Decree № 10 on land categorization and change in category of land.

Janeiro, 2017

This Decree sets forth provisions on land classification, cadastral information system, change in the category of agricultural land and pastures, change in the category of lands affected by radioactive and chemical contamination and degraded by natural hazards, expansion of lands in forests and protected areas, and the procedures and principles for the change in the category of land. This Decree shall apply to agricultural land under the condition that the intended purpose does not change.

Medium-Term Policy Framework 2011-2014.

National Policies
Setembro, 2011
Trindade e Tobago

This policy, which a multi-sectoral approach and relating to the 2011-2014 period, sets out measures and actions to promote sustainable development in Trinidad and Tobago. The mission is to achieve economic inclusiveness in an innovation-driven growth economy with greater equity, more meaningful participation and a rising tide of prosperity for all in Trinidad and Tobago.

Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2001

The Environmental Action Strategy for Sustainable Development in Italy is a strategic instrument with a national coverage which sets out the goals to be attained for sustainable development and outlines related measures and actions to be undertaken. The national environmental action strategy ensures continuity to the European Union action, namely through the Sixth Environmental Action Plan, with the targets regarding social cohesion, full employment and environmental protection approved by the Council of Europe in Lisbon and Göthenburg.