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National Water Resources Policy for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2003

This national Policy for the water sector in Cambodia sets out a vision, fundamental principles, current situation and policies regarding development and management of freshwater resources and water demand and supply in Cambodia. The Policy, however, also contains a Chapter on water-related hazards and one on the management of coastal and marine waters. It also states the importance of sanitation for all, addresses water pollution and international aspects of water.

Loi-cadre nº 94-018 relative à l'environnement.

Junho, 1994

Cette loi porte régime de base en matière d'environnement. Elle vise, notamment, à: préserver la diversité et l'intégrité de l'environnement; créer les conditions d'une utilisation quantitativement et qualitativement durable des ressources naturelles; garantir à tous les citoyens un cadre de vie écologiquement sain et équilibré. Les citoyens sont tenus à participer collectivement pour la sauvegarde de l'environnement.

Ley Nº 14.892 - Prevención y lucha contra incendios. Establecimiento de acciones, normas, y procedimientos para el Manejo del Fuego.

Dezembro, 2016

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer las acciones, normas, y procedimientos para el manejo del fuego, prevención y lucha contra incendios, en áreas rurales y forestales e interface (donde se conjugan parte rural e infraestructura) en el ámbito del territorio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La Ley asimismo define las competencias de los Municipios (tales como elaborar los Planes Locales de Prevención contra incendios Forestales o Rurales) y crea el Fondo de Prevención y Lucha contra Incendios en Áreas Forestales y/o Rurales.

Regional Law No. 76-RZ “On village chiefs”.

Novembro, 2016

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for the operation of village chiefs as a form of public participation in local government. The scope of election of village chief shall be realization of decisions adopted by local government. Public official cannot be elected village chief. Village chiefs shall inform the population on decisions made by local government and shall inform local government of the outbreak of natural and technological disasters.

Priorités Résiliences Pays (PRP) 2016-2020.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2015
Burkina Faso

L’objectif général des Priorités résiliences pays (PRP) est: « À l’horizon 2035, la pauvreté des populations burkinabés et la vulnérabilité de leurs moyens de subsistance sont réduites de moitié, et elles jouissent d’une sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle durable », à travers (i) la dynamisation des politiques et stratégies pro-résilience existantes, (ii) l’identification et la mise en œuvre de nouvelles politiques et stratégies pro-résilience.

Resolución Nº 389-2017 ─ Guía de elaboración y explicación para la incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá.

Setembro, 2017

La presente Resolución aprueba la Guía de elaboración y explicación para la Incorporación de la Gestión Integral de Riesgo de Desastre en los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial de Panamá, que es de obligatorio cumplimiento, y que amplía los conceptos técnicos de la Resolución Nº 732-2015, que establece los requisitos y procedimientos para la elaboración y tramitación de los Planes y Esquemas de Ordenamiento Territorial en la República de Panamá para el desarrollo urbano y rural, a nivel local y parcial, adicionando criterios para la gestión integral de riesgo de desastres y adapt

Manam Resettlement Authority Act 2016 (No. 2 of 2016).

Junho, 2016
Papua-Nova Guiné

This Act establishes the Manam Resettlement Authority, defines its duties and powers and provides with respect to its administration and operation. The Authority shall be a body corporate and shall identify and acquire land for the resettlement of displaced persons in Manam Island. and shall be instrumental in aid and resettlement of people affected by disaster in Manam. The Department of Provincial and Local-level Government Affairs shall monitor the performance of the Authority.

Stratégie et plan d’actions de mise en œuvre de la grande muraille verte du Mali (2012).

National Policies
Dezembro, 2011

L’initiative grande muraille verte couvre pour le moment onze (11) pays africains (le Sénégal, la Mauritanie, le Mali, le Burkina Faso, le Niger, le Nigeria, le Tchad, le Soudan, l’Ethiopie, l’Erythrée et Djibouti) et vise à faire front commun et résoudre le problème de la désertification et de l’insécurité alimentaire. Au Mali, la zone d’intervention de la stratégie de la Grande Muraille Verte (GMV) couvre six Régions : Kayes, Koulikoro, Ségou, Mopti, Tombouctou et Gao ; 14 Cercles et 55 communes sur une longueur de 2066 Km d’Est en Ouest.

Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) for sustainable land management in Jordan.

National Policies
Outubro, 2008

The Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) is a national wide document, developed by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, supported by the Global Mechanism (GM) of the UNCCD, to implement Jordan’s commitments towards UNCCD. The IFS aims at providing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to financing and project implementation that would combat desertification and promote SLM, and in doing so to provide a more stable climate for investment and financing in this area for Jordan.

Integrated Financing Strategy for Combating Desertification in Lebanon.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2005

The Integrated Financing Strategy is a guiding framework for locating and developing a mix of financial resources to fund programs and projects related to combating desertification and sustainable land management. These resources can be either (i) available (resources that have been located and are awaiting activation, such as donor funds set aside for a specific priority) or (ii) created (generated by means of specific action steps, such as through a change in legislation or a political lobby).