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Ingonyama Trust Board & Commission on Restitution of Land Rights 1st Quarter 2015/16 performance; Committee Oversight Reports

Legislation & Policies
Setembro, 2015
África do Sul

The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights (the Commission) presented its expenditure trends and financial and performance report for the 1st quarter of the 2015/16 financial year. The performance was fully described by noting the achievements and the targets. In the first quarter, there was a target to settle 92 land claims but the Commission settled 38. 57 land claims were finalised against a quarterly target of 74. Eight projects were approved, against a quarterly target of 12. From the 1998 land claims, 195 land claims were researched compared to the quarterly target of 532.

Expropriation Bill

Legislation & Policies
Janeiro, 2015
África do Sul

To provide for the expropriation of property for a public purpose or in the public
interest, subject to just and equitable compensation; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.

Expropriation Bill [B4-2015]: public hearings with Deputy Minister in attendance

Legislation & Policies
Julho, 2015
África do Sul

The South African Institute of Race Relations said the Bill made it difficult for the compensation amount to be decided by a court, and the Bill did not allow the courts to examine and rule on the validity of the expropriation. The Bill tried to limit how often people could go to court about the amount of compensation. The IRR argued that 60 days was not enough time for the claimant to institute legal proceedings for the determination of the compensation, this should be extended to 180 days. Compensation should include damages for additional losses.

Land rights: What people want

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2017
África do Sul

In South Africa, policies of separate development and restrictions placed on capital expenditure imposed on the lands occupied by the indigenous people during the colonial era prevented the state from implementing the cadastre in the communal areas of the country. The status quo persists to this day, which has resulted in a dual system that promoted investment in areas where private property rights were permitted, but relegated the traditional communities into poverty and disinvestment

Zambia’s peasants at risk of becoming squatters on their own land – UN expert warns

Reports & Research
Maio, 2017

The push to turn commercial large-scale agricultural into a driving engine of the Zambian economy, in a situation where the protection of access to land is weak, can risk pushing small-holder farmers and peasants off their land and out of production with severe impacts on the people’s right to food,” Ms. Elver said at the end of her first official visit to the country

A Research Report on Land Tenure and Agricultural Development in Ethiopia: executive summary

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2002

A comprehensive research report covers the literature, includes a large survey of farm households throughout Ethiopia, and surveys the opinions of professionals. Land tenure is now a hotly debated issue; land scarcity and degradation are serious. Tenure security is seen as more important than the form of ownership. Almost three-quarters of farmers surveyed fear future distributions of land. Government is afraid that moving from state to private ownership will lead to massive evictions through distress sales, but over 90% farmers said they would not sell their land if they could.

Contextualising the controversies: dilemmas of communal tenure reform in post-apartheid South Africa

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2008
África do Sul

Includes the legacies of colonial and apartheid rule; policy dilemmas; key controversies – private ownership or customary land rights?; the nature and content of ‘customary’ land rights; transforming gender inequalities; land rights, authority and accountability; processural or rule-bound versions of ‘customary’ law; was the appropriate procedure followed in enacting the Communal Land Rights Act?

Interpretaciones sobre la redención de censos enfitéuticos en Guatemala a finales del siglo XIX : Los casos de Antigua Guatemala, San Felipe y San Mateo Milpas Altas

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

En este artículo se analiza la manera en la que tres ayuntamientos del Departamento de Sacatepéquez, Guatemala (Antigua Guatemala, San Felipe y San Mateo Milpas Altas) interpretaron el decreto de redención de censos enfitéuticos de 1877. El objetivo es demostrar que la significación de la propiedad privada estaba vinculada a la relación comunidad-autoridad y a la cohesión social que se generó a partir de la misma, con lo cual se cuestiona la hipótesis historiográfica de que los ayuntamientos indígenas fueron pauperizados y despojados de sus tierras en el Régimen Liberal.

Marktonderzoek onder grondeigenaren over natuuraanleg: methoden, resultaten en implicaties voor beleid : achtergronddocument bij 'Evaluatie omslag natuurbeleid'

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2007
Países Baixos

Dit rapport schetst de methoden, resultaten en implicaties voor beleid van een onderzoek onder grondeigenaren naar hun belangstelling, motieven en knelpunten bij natuuraanleg volgens de functieverandering van de Subsidieregeling Natuurbeheer. Het onderzoek omvatte drie delen: een gericht op grondeigenaren, een gericht op deelnemers aan de functieverandering en een gericht op grondeigenaren die geprobeerd hebben functieverandering te realiseren, maar waarvan de pogingen gestrand zijn.

Beleid voor particulier natuurbeheer bij provincies : achtergronddocument bij 'Evaluatie omslag natuurbeleid'

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2007
Países Baixos

Dit rapport bevat een evaluatie van de rol van provincies bij de functiewijziging van landbouwgronden naar gronden met een functie natuur, als onderdeel van de omslag in het Natuurbeleid. Hierbij worden minder gronden voor natuur verworven voor beheer door terreinbeherende organisaties, en meer gronden door particulieren in beheer genomen. Via documentanalyse en interviews met provincies is geanalyseerd hoe ze deze omslag vormgeven en zijn conclusies getrokken over de kansrijkheid van de omslag.