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Upper Austria Sewage Sludge Ordinance 2006.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to sewage sludge. In particular, article 2 lists maximum amounts allowed for certain metals, such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and mercury. Article 3 regulates the modalities of the sampling of soil. The text consists of 6 articles.

Implements: Upper Austria Soil Protection Law 1991. (2014)

Upper Austria Soil Threshold Values Ordinance 2006.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to maximum amounts of metals in the composition of soil. In particular, it lists respectively precautionary values, admissible values, and examination values of certain substances, such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and mercury. The text consists of 5 articles.

Implements: Upper Austria Soil Protection Law 1991. (2014)

Décret exécutif nº 06-249 fixant les conditions et les modalités d'organisation des compétitions sportives pratiquées sur la plage.

Norte de África

Le présent décret a pour objet de fixer les conditions et les modalités d'organisation des compétitions sportives pratiquées sur la plage. Les compétitions sportives objet du présent décret sont organisées sur les plages dûment autorisées conformément au plan d'aménagement des plages. Elles doivent se dérouler dans des zones aménagées et balisées à cet effet, et doivent répondre à la nature de la discipline sportive objet de la compétition.

Enforcement Decree of the Soil Environment Conservation Act.

República da Coreia
Ásia Oriental

The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe matters necessary for the enforcement of the Soil Environment Conservation Act.The Minister of Environment shall formulate a basic plan for soil conservation and a regional soil conservation plan (art. 4). In case where the State, a local government or a soil-related specialized agency inflicts loss to other persons it shall compensate for such loss under the conditions as determined by article 5.

Real Decreto Nº 9/2005 - Relación de actividades potencialmente contaminantes del suelo y stándares para la declaración de suelos contaminados.

Europa meridional

El presente Real Decreto tiene por objeto establecer una relación de actividades susceptibles de causar contaminación en el suelo, así como adoptar criterios y estándares para la declaración de suelos contaminados.

Implementa: Ley Nº 10/1998 - Ley de Residuos. (1998-04-21)
Enmendado por: Orden PRA/1080/2017 - Modifica el Real Decreto Nº 9/2005, Relación de actividades potencialmente contaminantes del suelo y stándares para la declaración de suelos contaminados. (2017-11-02)

Decree No. 308 on the quality of soil management.

Países Baixos
Europa Ocidental

This Decree contains rules relative to the quality of works in the field of soil management and conservation and the professional integrity of the persons that carry out such works. The aim of the Decree is to streamline and improve previous legislation, to strengthen the decision-making capacity of local authorities in the field of soil management and conservation and to secure legality and improve the quality of professionals in this field.

Law No. 9244 on agricultural land protection.

Europa meridional

The objective of this Law is: (i) to determine the principles, the rules and the institutions relevant to the sustainable protection and improvement of agricultural land, giving particular regard to soil fertility; (ii) to harmonize rights and benefits of agricultural land ownership with the responsibilities for its sustainable use; (iii) to protect and rehabilitate agricultural land from adverse effects caused by harmful impact of climate and human factors.

Regulation No. 59 on the analysis of agricultural land indicators.

Europa meridional

This Regulation lays down provisions on the analysis of agricultural land indicators. In particular, it makes provision on the analysis to be carried out periodically, especially with respect to soil fertility data in order to select the appropriate agrotechnological measures to increase fertility. The analysis fees shall be approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Food and paid by the owner or the lawful possessor of the agricultural land.

Implements: Law No. 9244 on agricultural land protection. (2004-06-17)

Regulation No. 80 on the establishment, functioning, tasks and responsibilities of the agricultural land protection authorities.

Europa meridional

This Regulation provides for the establishment of the institutions that shall be responsible for agricultural land protection and regulates their composition and responsibilities. The Regulation is composed of the following Chapters: (I) State Committee of Land Protection; (II) State Inspectorate of Land Protection; (III) Regional Committee of Land Protection; (IV) Regional Inspectorate of Land Protection; (V) Final Provisions.

Implements: Law No. 9244 on agricultural land protection. (2004-06-17)

Resolución Nº 1.128 - Modifica la Resolución Nº 839 de 2003 y la Resolución Nº 157 de 2004.

América do Sul

La presente Resolución modifica parcialmente las Resoluciones Nº 839 y 157, en relación a la aprobación de los planes de manejo ambientales de ambos ecosistemas.

Enmienda: Resolución Nº 839 - Estudios sobre el estado actual y plan de manejo ambiental de los páramos. (2003-08-01)
Enmienda: Resolución Nº 157 - Reglamenta el uso sostenible, conservación y manejo de los humedales. (2004-02-12)

National Forestry Reform Law of 2006.

África Ocidental

This Act makes provision, in 23 Chapters, for the management and conservation of forest resources of Liberia, defines ownership rights and other rights in forests, regulates commercial and other use of forests resources, provides for the protection of the environment and wildlife in forests, regulates the trade in forest products and provides for various other matters relative to forestry and wildlife.The Act defines the principles of forest management and conservation to be undertaken by the Forestry Development Authority.