Perceptions of Landowners Concerning Conservation, Grazing, Fire, and Eastern Redcedar Management in Tallgrass Prairie
Successful prairie restoration will depend in part on convincing private landowners with agricultural and recreational use goals to implement appropriate rangeland management practices, such as prescribed burning and cattle grazing, to control invasive species and encroachment of woody plants. However, landowners have been slow to adopt appropriate practices in the US Midwest. The purpose of this study was to explore attitudes and behaviors of private landowners toward prescribed burning and moderate stocking as rangeland management tools.
practice and economics of stewardship contracting: a case study of the Clearwater Stewardship Project
The purpose of the stewardship contracting authority is to allow public land managers to achieve land management goals while meeting local rural community needs. The authority's use is on the rise, and many regard stewardship contracting as a win-win mechanism for federal land management and a means of ending the "timber wars" on public land. This report provides an overview of stewardship contracting, with a focus on improvements needed for it to reach its full potential.
Community stakeholders’ knowledge in landscape assessments – Mapping indicators for landscape services
The evaluation of landscape services essentially deals with the complex and dynamic relationships between humans and their environment. When it comes to landscape management and the evaluation of the benefits these services provide for our well-being, there is a limited representation of stakeholder and intangible values on the land. Stakeholder knowledge is essential, since disciplinary expert evaluations and existing proxy data on landscape services can reveal little of the landscape benefits to the local stakeholders.
Informing conservation policy design through an examination of landholder preferences: A case study of scattered tree conservation in Australia
Choosing effective policy instruments to achieve conservation goals has many challenges. We explore the challenge of instrument choice in the context of landscape-scale conservation on private land, where the challenge is to select instruments that are able to influence the management practices of large numbers of landholders with diverse values, beliefs and management priorities. We report on a landholder survey and workshop undertaken as part of a study focused on reversing scattered tree decline on private grazing land in Australia.
critical review of the science underpinning fire management in the high altitude ecosystems of south-eastern Australia
We reviewed the scope and quality of published literature relevant to management of the risk of fire and accompanying risks to ecological values, in the vegetation types (mostly forests and woodlands, but including grasslands and herbfields) of the High Country (>750m asl) of south-eastern Australia. Our analysis of quality suggests the published science has improved markedly over the past 60years. That said, there is insufficient data on any subject for a formal meta-analysis.
Mega-fires, inquiries and politics in the eucalypt forests of Victoria, south-eastern Australia
Three mega-fires in Victoria over the period 2002–2009 burnt some 3million hectares, or 40% of the state’s public land. In the worst of these bushfires—Black Saturday, 7 February 2009–173 people lost their lives in Australia’s worst civilian tragedy. Each of these three fires was followed by intensive inquiries and investigations, the most prolonged and intensive being a Royal Commission inquiry (the most rigorous form of legal inquiry in Australia) into the Black Saturday fires.
Landscape-Scale Prioritization Process for Private Land Conservation in Alberta
There are 12 conservation land trust organizations (CLTOs) in the province of Alberta, Canada that actively steward land. Together they have protected over 1.09 million hectares of land. Using in-depth interview data with published documents on CLTOs, this paper examines how CLTOs make decisions as to which projects to pursue and the kinds of justifications they offer for the projects they have completed. We identify 13 aspects that such a decision-making process should contain. The CLTOs studied have, to some degree, incorporated 7 of them.
Summer habitat preferences of GPS-collared reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus
Reindeer Rangifer tarandus tarandus husbandry in Sweden commonly uses the Scandinavian mountain chain as grazing area during the snow-free season and the coniferous forests in the east during winter. Current knowledge of habitat use by reindeer is primarily based on traditional or local knowledge, or on investigations carried out on wild reindeer and caribou in other parts of the world. We identified spatial and temporal habitat use of free-ranging semi-domesticated reindeer by following 48 GPS-equipped reindeer in three summer ranges in the Swedish reindeer herding area.
Response to sewage sludge fertilisation in a Quercus rubra L. silvopastoral system: Soil, plant biodiversity and tree and pasture production
Silvopastoral systems are sustainable form of land management promoted by European Union. The productivity of the herbaceous and tree components in a silvopastoral system could be limited by soil fertility. The use of adequate doses of organic fertilisers like sewage sludge could enhance the productivity of both pasture and trees and promote biodiversity. The quantification of the best dose of sewage sludge to be applied in a silvopastoral system is important in order to enhance production and biodiversity in a silvopastoral system, while avoiding nitrate contamination of the ground water.
Habitat Selection by the Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) in Northeastern Utah
The pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis), the world's smallest rabbit, has a limited distribution due to its year round dependence on sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) for food and shelter. Due to accelerating habitat loss from fragmentation, development, and fire, understanding the pygmy rabbit's ecology has become increasingly important. In 2010, we initiated a study of the status of a pygmy rabbit population and its habitat requirements on U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land near Woodruff in northeastern Utah.