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Native Title (Prescribed Bodies Corporate) Regulations 1999.


For these Regulations, a number of common law holders constitute a group of common law holders if they belong to a tribe, clan or family, or a descent, language or other group, recognized as such in accordance with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander traditional laws and customs applying to them. An Aboriginal association is prescribed for section 59 of the Native Title Act 1993 if it is incorporated under the Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 for the purpose of being the subject of a section 56 or 57 determination.

Ley de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas.

América do Sul

La presente Ley de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas tiene como objeto regular el plan nacional de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras que ancestral y tradicionalmente ocupan los pueblos y comunidades indígenas, establecido en el artículo 119 de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Implementado por: Decreto Nº 7.855/10 - Comisión Nacional de demarcación del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades indígenas. (2010-11-26)

Decreto Nº 3.050 - Conformación de la Comisión de estudios para la formulación del plan de desarrollo de las comunidades negras.

América do Sul

El presente Decreto reglamenta la conformación de la Comisión de estudios para la formulación del plan de desarrollo de las comunidades negras, prevista en la Ley Nº 70 de 1993, estableciendo que corresponde al Departamento Nacional de Planeación coordinar la conformación de la Comisión , siendo su duración hasta la aprobación del plan nacional de desarrollo en el Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social (CONPES).

Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians.

International Conventions or Treaties
República Checa
Europa Oriental

The Convention applies to the Carpathian region to be defined by the Conference of the Parties. Each Party may extend the application of this Convention and its Protocols to additional parts of its national territory by making a declaration to that effect. The Parties shall pursue a comprehensive policy and cooperate for the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians with a view to inter alia improving quality of life, strengthening local economies and communities, and conservation of natural values and cultural heritage.

Aboriginal Land (Northcote Land) Act 1989.


This Act aims to auhtorize the granting by the Crown of land at Northcote to the Aborigines Advancement League Incorporated. Section 6 stipulates that no compensation is payable by the Crown in respect of anything done under or arising out of this Act. The Act is completed by one Schedule specifying land which may be granted to the Aborigines Advancement League Incorporated.

Land Titles Validation Act 1994.


This Act validates past acts that are invalid because of the existence of native title and provides for the implementation of compensation rights for the holders of native title which has been affected by past acts attributable to the State. The Act consists of 17 sections and is divided into the following Parts: Preliminary (1); Validation of past Acts (2); Validation of intermediate period Acts (2A); Confirmation of pasts extinguishment of native title by certain valid or validated Acts (2B); Validation of future Acts by agreement (2C); Confirmation of rights (3) and General (4).

Aboriginal Lands Act 1991 (Act No. 38).


The purpose of this Act is to authorize the granting of public land for Aboriginal cultural and burial purposes. The Act provides for the closure of roads in the areas (sect. 4), extinguishes existing rights on the land (sect. 5), prohibits the sale of land (sect. 7) and states that no compensation is payable by the Crown in respect of anything done under or arising out of this Act (sect. 9).

Ley Nº 904/81 - Estatuto de las comunidades indígenas.

América do Sul

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la preservación social y cultural de las comunidades indígenas, su efectiva participación en el proceso de desarrollo nacional así como la creación de un régimen jurídico que les garantice la propiedad de la tierra y otros recursos productivos. El título primero introduce normas generales sobre las comunidades indígenas, en particular acerca del asentamiento de las comunidades indígenas: asentamiento en tierras fiscales (arts. 21-23); asentamiento en tierras de dominio privado (arts. 24-27).

Law No. 2.393, ruling on native populations’ permanence in Conservation Units.

América do Sul

This Law, composed of eight articles, rules on native populations’ permanence in Conservation Units. The Law authorises the State Government to grant the right of using the occupied land to those native populations residing since over 50 years in Rio De Janeiro Conservation Units. The Law also requires native populations to actively participate in the preservation of the aforesaid units. To this end, the Law specifies forbidden activities, natural resources’ conservation duties as well as fines and penalties for non compliance.