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Displaying 829 - 840 of 2622

Land Titles Fee Regulation (Man. Reg. 171/89).

América do Norte

The present Regulation enacts the Real Property Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to fees charged under the Real Property Act and the Registry Act. For the purpose of the Regulation “value of the land” means the market value of the land concerned, together with all buildings and other improvements on the land or interest in the land being dealt with at the time of presentation for registration.

Land Registration Regulations (Chapter 128A).

Ásia Oriental

These Regulations provide for the manner in which entry and registration of memorials and other documents in the Land Registry must be carried out.The Regulations further provide for: particulars to be contained in a memorial; the use of microfilm for the recording of old memorials and register cards; disposal of memorials and register cards after recording; inspection of Land Registry records; offences and penalties; etc.

Implements: Land Registration Ordinance (Chapter 128). (1997-06-30)

Decree Law No. 6 of 1985 regulating land possession and acquisition by citizens of Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Decree Law is composed of 8 articles. Article 1 defines requirements and conditions for the possession and acquisition of lands and buildings by physical and juristic citizens from Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Article 3 deals with the transfer of the ownership of lands acquired in accordance with this Decree Law. Articles 5 and 6 pertain to the expropriation and registration of lands acquired by citizens of the GCC.

Resolution No. 302 of 1988 redefining requirements and conditions for obtaining licences for the division of lands destined to construction or reconstruction.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Resolution is composed of 9 articles. Article 1 decrees the ban on the division of lands intended to the construction or reconstruction before obtaining licences from the Ministry of Housing. Article 2 specifies documents and certificates necessary for submitting applications to the department of Physical Training. Article 3 classifies lands subjected to the division in tree categories: lands situated in zones with accredited and adopted detail planes; lands situated in zones with general planes; and, lands situated outside of planned zones. Article 5 defines obligations of licensees.

Registration and Records Act (Cap. 19:04).


This Act makes provision for the registration of deeds and other official documents and provides rules regarding the ascertainment of the validity of deeds and other official documents.“Deed” includes every document in writing affecting or relating to lands, tenements or hereditaments in Dominica and licences granted to aliens under the Aliens Land Holding Regulation Act.The Act also concerns documents executed in other parts of the Commonwealth or in foreign countries.

Title by Registration (New Register) Act (Cap. 56:51).


This Act directs the Registrar of Titles to make a new register of titles for Dominica. This Act applies only in cases where certificates of title which were registered in the old register have been destroyed. The Act contains rules relative to (application for) registration and evidence of title. The Act also provides for the lodging of caveats for the establishment of interests in land other than freehold and certain leaseholds.