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IssuescadastroLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 805 - 816 of 2622

Decree No. 5 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on establishment and cessation of land servitude.

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes that land servitude shall be established for passage through adjacent, and when necessary through another land plot, laying electric power lines, communication cable and pipelines, ensuring water supply and land reclamation, and also for other needs that cannot be ensured without the establishment of servitude. The establishment of servitude shall not entail the change of the purposeful use of land plot. Servitude shall be established and stopped by agreement between the person concerned and the owner of adjacent land plot and it shall be subject to registration.

Decree No. 6 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on primary cadastre registration of land plots and state registration of land rights.

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes that the scope of primary cadastre registration of land plots and state registration of land rights with a view of updating and collecting new information on area of land plots, location thereof, and registration of the payers of land tax. Mass primary cadastre registration of land plots shall be carried out by decision of local self-government and it shall be executed by the local branch of the authorized state land institution.

Decree No. 2 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on transfer in mortgage of lease right in case of mortgage of constructions and edifices by legal persons.

Europa Oriental

This Decree regulates transfer in mortgage of lease right in case of mortgage of constructions and edifices by legal persons. Mortgage of construction or edifice and mortgaged of the right of lease of the plot of land shall be carried out by one mortgage contract by consent of the lessor of the plot of land.

Law of Property Act.


This Act, consisting of 221 sections divided into 17 Parts and completed by four Schedules, makes provisions with respect to land tenure rights, conveyance of lands, easements, transfer of land, leases, mortgages, and various other matters relative to the registration of titles, use of land rights, transfer of land, etc.

Decree No. 3 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on mapping of the boundaries of land plots.

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes the modalities of demarcation, restoration and determination of the boundaries of land plots and legalization thereof. It shall be compulsory for land tenants, landowners, lessees and organizations and individual entrepreneurs carrying out land survey practices. The establishment of lands plot boundaries shall be compulsory preliminary condition for land allotment.

Real Property Act 1886.


This Act provides for the consolidation of the Acts relating to the declaration of titles to land and the facilitation of its transfer, ans specifically the Real Property Act 1861, the Real Property Act Amendment Act 1878 and the Rights-of-Way Act 1881.

Regulation No. 3 on the procedures for lending undivided agricultural lands.

Europa meridional

This Regulation establishes the Board for Lending Undivided Agricultural Lands and lays down its composition and rules of procedure. The Board’s activities are subjected to the Civil Code and to Law No. 8312 of 1998 on non-divided lands. Its tasks include the duty to continuously inform about the availability of the undivided agricultural lands; to guarantee the observation of competition rules in the land auctions; and to award the auction contracts.

Ordinance implementing the Expropriation Law.

Europa Ocidental

The present Law implements the Law of 26 June 1974 on expropriation and seizure. The text consists of 19 articles divided into 5 Parts as follows: Annotation on property limitation (I); Payment and distribution of compensation, land registration (II); Seizure proceedings (III); Fees (IV); Repeal of existing legislation (V).

Implements: Expropriation Law. (1974-06-26)

Law of Property Act 1925 (15 Geo. 5, c. 20).


This Act contains rules relative to real property and especially the lease and disposal of land.It prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates operating as conveyances by an estate owner, leasehold, rights on real property in case of infancy, lunacy or death, common ownership, registration of rights, etc.