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IssuescadastroLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1741 - 1752 of 2622

Act on land surveying activities (No. 439 of 2011).

Europa Setentrional

This Act sets regulations when requesting notification of a land surveyor, provided the criteria is based on a person who is of legal age, is not under bankruptcy, has passed the Danish surveyor exam and has at least 3 years’ experience following the surveying exam, and has participated in the commonly occurring cadastral works either by Survey and Cadastre Authority of the Jutland department or cadastral authority in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg Municipality.

Land Registration Fees Order 2001 (S.I. No. 1179 of 2001).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order, which, as from 1 May 2001, superseded the Land Registration Fees Order 1999, makes changes to land registration fees.The Order is divided into 5 Parts: General (I); Scale fees (II); Valuation (III); Fixed fees and exemptions (IV); General and administrative provisions (V).The scale that sets out the fees for applications for first registration of title to land and for transfers of registered land for monetary consideration, is shortened and the fees for applications within certain value bands are reduced (arts. 2 and 3; Schedule 1).

Arrêté n°05-1986 MHU-SG du 29 août 2005 fixant les conditions d’obtention des autorisations de réalisation des opérations d’urbanisme.

África Ocidental

Le présent arrêté fixe les conditions d’obtention des autorisations de réalisation des opérations d’urbanisme ci-après: le lotissement; la division parcellaire; l’opération concertée d’extension urbaine; la réhabilitation urbaine; la restructuration urbaine; la restauration urbaine; la rénovation urbaine.

Agricultural land Consolidation and Redistribution Regulations, 1987 (P.I. 165/87).

Sudoeste Asiático

These Regulations repeal the Regulations for the Agricultural land Consolidation and Redistribution Regulations 1970-75 and replace them with new provisions. The publication of the list of land owners, the list of property assessment, etc., shall be done according to the sample forms attached in the present Regulations.

Decreto Ley Nº 332 - Ley organización y funcionamiento del Catastro Nacional.


El presente Decreto Ley tiene como objeto establecer las normas para la organización y funcionamiento del Catastro Nacional, que es el sistema primario de informaciones constituidas por un conjunto de datos y descripciones de los bienes inmuebles urbanos y rurales, con expresión de ubicación, superficie, linderos con sus medidas, uso, valores y demás circunstancias físicas, económicas y jurídicas, a fin de obtener un conocimiento real del territorio nacional que sirva a los objetivos de dirección del desarrollo del país, y para ello se divide en Catastro Urbano y Catastro Rural.

Decreto Nº 331 - Reglamento del Decreto Ley Nº 332/15, Ley organización y funcionamiento del Catastro Nacional.


El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer la información que contiene la certificación catastral, las relaciones entre el catastro y los registros públicos, la participación del Instituto de Planificación Física en el estudio y asesoramiento sobre las modificaciones de los límites a la División Político Administrativa, así como el procedimiento ante las inconformidades con las informaciones que brinda el catastro.

Regional Law No. 756-oz “On the modalities of calculation of lease payment, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land”.

Europa Oriental

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of calculation of lease, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land set forth for different categories of public land. Lease payment shall be calculated in accordance with regional cadastre indices set forth for different categories of public land. Lease fees shall be calculated on annual basis. This Regional Law contains formulae for calculation of lease payments.

Regulation amending the Regulation on the decision of the technical requalification of the terrain in the City of Knin for the cadastral municipality of Knin.

Europa meridional

This Regulation amends certain provisions of the Regulation on the decision of the technical requalification of the terrain in the City of Knin for the cadastral municipality of Knin (Official Gazette 134/2007).Changes are regarding the official deadlines and official administrative requirements (holders of land rights registered in the cadastral municipality of Knin are obliged until February the 2, year 2008, to make their permanent markings at their own expenses of boundaries of the land on which they have an ownership or other rights).

Regulation amending the Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate.

Europa meridional

This Regulation amends certain articles part of the Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate (Official Gazette 86/2007 and 25/2009).Changes are regarding the: holders of rights to cadastral parcels; and approval of the proposed distribution of agricultural land (prior approval) to be performed by qualified surveyors part of the body responsible for permit issuing and geodetic cadastre related duties.

Amends: Regulation on parceling and other geodetic elaborate. (2007-08-09)

Land (Survey and Measurement)(Seventh Amendment) Act, 1992.

Ásia Meridional

Section 2 (definitions) is amended by adding definitions of "boundary", and "plot". Section 3 is amended by providing anew for the power of the Government to issue orders for the measurement and survey of lands and the correction of mistakes in survey by the Survey Officer. Section 4, here amended, concerns the calculation of the area of land. A new section (5A) prescribes that Government and other public lands are to be surveyed and mapped first.

Amends: Land (Survey and Measurement) Act, 1963. (1979-11-21)