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Teto Brasil

Somos TETO, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que trabalha por uma sociedade justa e sem pobreza, onde todas as pessoas tenham as oportunidades para desenvolver suas capacidades e exercer plenamente seus direitos.

Há 10 anos no Brasil, o TETO trabalha pela defesa dos direitos de pessoas que vivem em favelas precárias, diminuindo sua vulnerabilidade por meio do engajamento comunitário e mobilização de jovens voluntários e voluntárias.

Uniao Nacional de Camponeses


A UNAC é um movimento de Camponeses, do sector familiar, que luta pela participação activa dos camponeses no processo de desenvolvimento de Moçambique fundado em 1987 e registada em 1994. As mudanças políticas e económicas que se operaram em 1987 motivaram o surgimento desta movimento

Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa de Comunicação


SEKELEKANI é uma instituição moçambicana independente, sem fins lucrativos, de promoção de comunicação para o desenvolvimento, conceito que se refere a sistemas de comunicação em dois sentidos, orientados para enaltecer o diálogo entre os decisores de políticas públicas e as partes interessadas, nomeadamente as comunidades destinatárias do desenvolvimento, permitindo-lhes exprimir os seus pontos de vista, as suas aspirações e preocupações, participando, desse modo, na formulação da agenda do seu desenvolvimento.

International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics


The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an international non-profit organization that undertakes scientific research for development.

Our approach is through partnerships and with an Inclusive Market Oriented Development.

Partnerships are critical as ICRISAT takes a catalyst role to help rural communities develop their own solutions and engage

the actors needed to bring the vision to reality.

National Association of Professional Environmentalists


The National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) is an action organization committed to sustainable solutions to Uganda,s most challenging environmental and economic growth problems. We monitor government actions, conduct research, provide educational materials, develop science-based strategies, organize affected communities, make common cause with other civil society organisations and international organizations, and engage government officials at all levels.

Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform - Republic of South Africa


The Ministry of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) was created in 2009. For the first time in its history, the country would have a ministry dedicated to the social and economic development of rural South Africa; committed to ensuring that South Africans residing in rural areas enjoyed the same benefits as their urban cousins, so that that they too were covered by the blanket of human rights and basic dignity guaranteed in our Constitution.

Rights Rice Foundation


Rights and Rice Foundation (RRF) is a Liberian non-governmental organization registered with the overall aim of working for social justice and community empowerment.  Since 2007 RRF has implemented several programs and projects supported by donors and funding agencies like UN Women, UNDP, USAID, GIZ and Welthungerhilfe. Today RRF works around three key thematic pillars, namely: political and economic governance, community empowerment and conflict mediation. RRF now implements seven programs in 10 of Liberia’s 15 counties.

Land Rights Now


To achieve our Goal, we are campaigning for an unprecedented mobilization of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, governments, intergovernmental organizations, corporate and other private sector actors, civil society, social movements, and citizens from all over the world. To realise the change we want, we ask that by 2020…

Natural Justice

Natural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment is a non-profit organization, registered in South Africa since 2007.

Our vision is the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity through the self-determination of Indigenous peoples and local communities.

Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos

A Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos é resultado 
da experiência de trabalho com dezenas de organizações 
não-governamentais e movimentos sociais.

Nosso trabalho tem como objetivo responder a uma demanda 
de ação e articulação de denúncias de violações de direitos humanos ocorridas no Brasil e inclui:

· formulação de petições e submissão de casos a organismos nacionais e internacionais visando a proteção dos direitos humanos;

· participação em delegações emergenciais em áreas e situações de conflito;

· observação de julgamentos;



ZOA is an international relief and recovery organization supporting vulnerable people affected by violent conflicts and natural disasters in fragile states, by helping them to realize dignified and resilient lives.

ZOA operates in more than 15 countries, in difficult locations where our field staff directly provides assistance to the most vulnerable victims of displacement. The countries in which ZOA is present are Afghanistan, Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Liberia, Myanmar, Philippines, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Uganda and Yemen.

Global Landscapes Forum


The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) is a multi-stakeholder platform with a global secretariat led by CIFOR and core funding provided by the Government of Germany. The GLF accelerates action towards the creation of productive, prosperous, equitable and climate-resilient landscapes and the achievement of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).

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