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Issuesinvestimentos em terrasLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 493 - 500 of 500

Expansão agrícola, preços e apropriação de terra por estrangeiros no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2012
América do Sul
A recente "corrida mundial por terras" transformou a América Latina, em geral, e o Brasil, em particular, em alvos preferenciais para negócios com aumento considerável de investimentos estrangeiros no setor agropecuário, inclusive na compra de terras, com a participação de empresas do setor financeiro. Mesmo sendo um mercado de baixa liquidez, negócios com terras não são novidade no Brasil, mas têm aumentado consideravelmente após 2002, sendo, inclusive, possível perceber esse processo no sistema de cadastro do Instituto Nacionalde Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra).

Os desafios da construção da nação angolana: passado, presente e futuro

Conference Papers & Reports
Julho, 2022

Apresentação feita durante a Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé. Inclui explicações sobre a classificação de terrenos em Angola, o significado de terra na legislação fundiária e na cultura angolana, a matrix de governança de terras, os desafios para a proteção de territórios tradicionais, entre outros temas. Apresentação feita por Bernardo Castro.


Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2020

The study reviews the land policy in Zimbabwe and investigates the extent to which the policy provides incentives for investment and technology adoption to increase labour productivity in the agricultural sector. The research is based on a desk study of relevant literature and land policies implemented by the Zimbabwe government since 1980. This is complemented by empirical data drawn from various organisations that have been tracking the progress of the land reform programme.

Large Scale Agricultural Investments and Its Impact on Gender Relations and Wellbeing of Small Holder Farmers: Evidence from Kilombero Valley in Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro, 2020

This paper explores the impact of large-scale agricultural investment on household livelihood outcomes among smallholder farmers in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. The study used qualitative and quantitative data from a sample of 376 households. Quantitative data analysis employed independent samples t-test and multiple linear regressions. There were associations in livelihood outcomes and household headship (p < 0.05).

Managing Responsible Agricultural Investments Using an Open Source Solution

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2018

To address food insecurity, the Government of Ethiopia embarked on a rapid transformation in the agriculture sector to increase production, productivity, market access and create employment opportunities by promoting large scale agricultural investment projects. However, progress towards achieving set objectives has been rather limited so far due to various challenges. One of the major challenges is that information on commercial farming is outdated and unreliable for decision making.

Sustainable land-based investments in Africa: The quest for inclusion and transparency.

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2018
República Centro-Africana

 ABSTARCTA common limiting factor to the development of agriculture on the continent is the amorphous land administration laws and practices which in certain locations, is dominated by traditional administration and inheritance among an ever-increasing population, leading to fragmentation of available land with little available for commercial agriculture.Using desk reviews of previous studies, this research aimed to analyse the causative factors of ineffective land-based investments especially in agricultural production with a view to harnessing the huge potentials of land-based investments


Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto, 2018

This paper aims to explore implications of large-scale land investment for local citizenship, with a particular focus on customs and mobility. The concept of local citizenship is a neglected aspect of land investment debates. We argue that the use of the concept helps us to identify how large-scale land investments work to invoke the hegemonic and customary power of indigenes and undermine local citizenship identity of migrants.