Contribución de las pasturas mejoradas a la producción animal en el trópico : Memorias de una reunión de trabajo, Cali, Colombia, Abril 9-10 de 1989
Convenio ICA-CIAT-CORPOICA: Carta de entendimiento ICA-CIAT no. 01 julio/94, para desarrollar proyectos complementarios y de colaboración para actividades de investigación en los Llanos Orientales y Amazonia Colombiana: Informe técnico
Current issues in non-timber forest products research. Proceedings of the workshop research on NTFP. Hot Spring, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995
This book contains a number of commissioned background papers presented at the workshop on ‘Research on Non-timber Forest Products’ (Hot Springs, Zimbabwe, 28 August - 2 September 1995). Bringing together experiences from different regions and professional backgrounds, the book attempts to analyse the complexity of multiple use of forests from a multidimensional perspective that incorporates environmental, social, economic, technological, political, historical and cultural factors. Current topics of discussion are reviewed.
Dairy development. Report of a workshop
A study on smallholder dairy development in the East African highlands. Looks into the production systems and development constraints and priorities. Discusses genetic factors, nutrition, disease, management, labour, marketing and pricing policies. Summarises research and development experiences.
Desk study of nutritional and economic issues of Africa RISING target populations in Ghana
Does investment in motor pump-based smallholder irrigation lead to financially viable input intensification and production? An economic assessment
Diversity of the neglected and underutilized crop species of importance in Benin
Doubled-up legume technology in Malawi boosts land productivity
Ecoregional research at ILRI. Proceedings of a workshop
The major objectives of this workshop are to sharpen the focus of ILRI's ecoregional research, to further identify commonalities in tools and new methods that can enable ILRI to do effective transregional research, and to identify improvements to the way in which ILRI does ecoregional research.
Ecoregional research in sub-humid West Africa
There are diverse opinions as to what an ecoregional research approach should involve. Ecoregional research is meant to fill gaps in natural resources management research, rationalise overlapping mandates, provide focal points and streamline interactions between NARS (National Agricultural Research Systems) and CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) centres. This paper describes the institutional structure and technical operation of the proposed ecoregional programme in sub-humid West Africa.