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Displaying 1729 - 1740 of 3187

Silvopastoralism in Mediterranean Basin: Extension, practices, products, threats and challenges

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

Ranching generally causes a progressive deforestation. Nevertheless in Mediterranean countries trees are still present in many pastoral systems, here referred to as silvopastoral systems (SPs). Trees provide products as fruits as human food, fruits or leaves as fodder, wood and firewood, environmental services like patches of soil fertility and shelter for animals, and environmental goods such as carbon sequestration, water yield and quality and reinforced biodiversity.

Land reform, security of tenure and environmental conservation in Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

This paper is a review of the Land Use Act of 1978 with a view to examining the implications of the Act for security of tenure and environmental conservation. The review indicates that while the inalienation of rights of use and ownership of land under the communal or group ownership tenure system limited access to land and security of tenure, it encouraged the protection and conservation of land resources and the physical environment.

Lessons from success and/or failure of irrigation development

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2003

World population is increasing, particularly in the developing countries. Groundwater reserves are being depleted; lands are being degraded. The required increase in food production must come principally from new supplies of water for irrigated lands. If irrigated lands fail to produce the required food, increased destruction of resources and degradation of the environment from increasing slash and burn agriculture is anticipated. Various countries and international agencies have recognized the possibility of future food shortage.

Biofuel production and its international implications

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007
Estados Unidos

A dráguló olajár „felszínre hozta” a fosszilis energiahordozók környezetbarát energiahordozókkal való kiváltásának problémáját. Az olajkészletek korlátozottságamellett a bizonytalan kitermelés és a folyamatosan növekvő árak a bioüzemanyagokfelé irányítják a politikai döntéshozók és a befektetők figyelmét.

Perception of land consolidation by land owners: a case study

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Land consolidation in Slovak Republic is claimed to be negatively perceived, although, there is no empirical evidence of this. This is used by administration to interfere with land consolidation. Based on owners' opinion in cadastral area of Malý Báb, where land consolidation was carried out, we show that a positive view on land consolidation prevails (almost 80%). Groups of respondents with inclination to a negative perception (e.g. the seniors with bad experiences in the past, ignorant juniors) were identified, problematic areas (e.g.

Ecological-economic zoning of the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the purposes of land use planning

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

The article presents ecological and economic zoning of the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the purposes of land use planning by the method of average differences, taking into account the factors which influence the efficiency of agricultural lands usage.

Potential impact of the EU 2003 CAP reform on land idling decisions of French landowners: results from a survey of intentions

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

The 2003 reform of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced Single Farm Payments (SFPs) which are decoupled payments conditional on cross-compliance, and allows these payments to be claimed for land kept fully idle but maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC). This paper focuses on the potential impact of the reform on land idling decisions in France with the help of a survey of the intentions of landowners.

Water Transfer and Agricultural Land Retirement in a Drainage Problem Area

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

The increasing scarcity of water in California and the rising cost of compliance with environmental regulations are motivating some farmers in the San Joaquin Valley to sell their land and water, and discontinue production of irrigated crops. In the summer of 2004, all landowners in the 3,700-ha Broadview Water District decided to sell their land to Westlands Water District. The land sales have been completed and Westlands has acquired Broadview's water supply contract. Farmland in Broadview will no longer be irrigated.

Un modèle multi-agents pour étudier les politiques d’affectation des terres et leurs impacts sur les dynamiques pastorales et territoriales au Ferlo (Sénégal)

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

The present state of the landscapes and territories in the Sahel is the result of interactions between climatic, economic, social and political factors which have been taking place for more than four decades.

Une approche multi-échelles des arbitrages entre production fourragère et biodiversité dans un agroécosystème prairial

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2011

Agri-environmental measures have not been able to halt the decline of biodiversity in agricultural systems. Agricultural practices aimed at preserving diversity on a field scale appear to be deficient. This study models the interactions between grazing/mowing practices and the ecological dynamics of two grassland bird species (Northern Lapwing and Common Redshank) at three nested spatial scales (field, farm and landscape). On a field scale, grazing periods and intensity determine the balance between production and conservation.

Interactions entre systèmes fourragers et systèmes de grandes cultures à l'échelle d'un territoire. Intérêts pour l'environnement

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2007

In certain regions where mixed farming prevails, the specialization of the farms (with the progressive disappearance of livestock) has brought about uniform methods of land occupation which run counter the environmental functions of farming. For that matter, grasslands and perennial covers have beneficial effects, but their insertion or their maintenance have to be thought out at the territorial scale.