Tackling desertification in the Korqin Sandy Lands trough integrated afforestation
The Project was created as a result of an urgent need to protect cultivated land against the severe degradation caused by wind and water erosion in the Korqin Sandy Lands, to improve the socio-economic well being of the inhabitants of the region and for the need to sustainable produce wood for all sorts of uses.
Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forêts et des industries forestières
Non-thematic issue
An international review of forestry and forest products
Documentos del comité de la FAO de desarrollo forestal en los trópicos - extractos - Ordenación y utilización del bosque tropical húmedo
Este nmero especial de Unasylva tiene dos objetivos principales. Pone a disposicin de nuestros lectores una seleccin de algunos de los trabajos presentados en el importante Cuarto perodo de sesiones del Comit de Desarrollo Forestal en los Trpicos, de la FAO y, de esta manera, pone de relieve la principal preocupacin de la Organizacin en materia forestal: cul es la mejor manera y la ms adecuada para el hombre de utilizar la formacin ecolgica menos conocida, es decir, los bosques tropicales hmedos.
The importance of medicinal plants
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) agroforestry on drained peatlands
Dyera polyphylla, which is locally known as jelutung, is a tree that produces latex. The latex is used for chewing gums, insulator, tube, and others. The wood is soft and bright colour, which can be used for pulp, plywood, pencil, wooden toy, and others. It naturally grows on peat swamp forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesian part of Borneo). Along with fast deforestation, population of wild jelutung is decreasing. In the era of degraded peatland restoration, jelutung was promoted to be planted in reforestation and afforestation.
Keeping the land alive. Soil erosion: its causes and cures
Global climate change and agricultural production. Direct and indirect effects of changing hydrological, pedological and plant physiological processes.
Número no temático
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Forest Genetic Resources No. 25
The present issue of Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) goes to press immediately following the Eleventh World Forestry Congress held in Turkey 13-22 October 1997, which more than 4000 colleagues from 145 countries attended. In regard to the conservation and use of forest genetic resources, the Congress, in its deliberations and report, stressed that action to conserve, manage, sustainably utilize and enhance forest genetic resources is an urgent priority.