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India Land & Development Conference 2017-Proceedings

Conference Papers & Reports
Julho, 2017


This report was prepared by Centre for Land Governance, NRMC, the Secretariat of India Land & Development Conference 2017. This report provides an overview of the proceedings of India Land & Development Conference, organized at India International Centre, New Delhi, India on April 5-6th 2017.

This report consists sharing of experiences, knowledge and practices over eight thematic sessions, two panel discussions and a special session.

Eight Sessions in the Conference are as follows:

Why Farmers Quit?

Reports & Research
Maio, 2017


This study on farmers’ suicides is done by Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS) through its local partner the Baitarani Initiative. This study was attempted to understand if farmers’ suicides were just a desperate reaction to events like droughts and crop loss or there were more fundamental roots.

Guide to improving land tenure security in irrigation schemes in Niger

Manuals & Guidelines
Agosto, 2017

There are 85 irrigation schemes in Niger that cover around 16,000 ha and are cultivated by 40,000 farmers. The informal status of these irrigation schemes, and their occupants, has created problems due to population growth and the increasing scarcity of natural resources. Holders of traditional land rights have challenged government decisions concerning land attributions and property rights within the schemes, and have occasionally prevented construction from proceeding.

Guide de sécurisation foncière sur les aménagements hydro-agricoles au Niger

Manuals & Guidelines
Agosto, 2017

Le Niger compte aujourd’hui 85 aménagements hydro-agricoles (AHA), qui s’étendent sur environ 16 000 hectares et font travailler plus de 40 000 exploitants.  Avec la pression démographique et la raréfaction des ressources naturelles disponibles pour l’activité agricole, l’informalité de la gestion du foncier des AHA et du statut des personnes qui les exploitent est devenue problématique.

Schmidtsdrift plans and policies

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2009
África do Sul

This document summarises approaches to resolve disputes, profile the membership of the Communal Property Association, develop a new CPA Constitution and examine options for the utilisation of mineral, agricultural and game resources and the allocation of business sites. It also explores options for CPA management and the need for professional management staff in this large and complex restitution claim

If women hold up half the sky, how much of the world’s food do they produce?

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2011

This paper explores, conceptually and empirically, the question of how much food is produced by women. Data for labour inputs and agricultural output are used to assess women’s contribution to food and agricultural production. The study also assesses gender differences in productivity. The paper finds that a precise measure of women’s contribution to food production is impossible to establish. In general women do not produce food separately from men and it is impossible to disaggregate men and women’s contributions either in terms of labor supplied or in terms of output produced.

The Future of Food 2015-2030

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2015
África do Sul

What is the future of food in South Africa? What might the food system look like in 2030, in terms of production, processing, distribution and consumption? Many people are asking similar questions and producing vision statements, policies and forecasts to enable anticipation and planning in a volatile system. They are all telling stories about the future – some optimistic, some dire. But these stories tend to be disconnected, narrated past each other to different audiences. The four scenarios contained in this document tell a more connected set of stories.

Supporting Smallholders into Commercial Agriculture: a social dialogue and learning

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2013
África do Sul

The Southern Africa Food Lab (SAFL) and the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at the University of the Western Cape (PLAAS) are engaged in a project called Supporting Smallholders into Commercial Agriculture: A social dialogue and learning project. This project has been designed to ensure strong linkages between academic research and processes of social dialogue, policy debate, media dissemination and institutional learning among stakeholders involved in the development of smallholder agriculture. This report documents the proceedings of the first innovation lab.

Recasement, indemnisation et droits des populations dans la zone du barrage de Taoussa (Mali)

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2010

La présente étude, réalisée sur les conditions de déplacement des populations dans le contexte du project d'amenagment de Taoussa, entend analyser la nature du « contrat social » entre l’Etat et les populations locales autour du barrage. Les modalités matérielles et le cadre juridique de leur recasement seront analysées en vue, d’une part, d’en apprécier l’efficacité, les acquis et les limites pour alimenter le débat sur le partage des bénéfices autour des barrages et, d’autre part, formuler des recommandations susceptibles d’influencer le processus dans l’intérêt de toutes les parties.

Sécuriser les producteurs des périmètres irrigués de Sélingué et Maninkoura

Reports & Research
Março, 2016

Cette étude présente les résultats des enquêtes auprès des acteurs paysans, gestionnaires et acteurs privés des périmètres de Sélingué et Maninkoura (Mali) concernant les modalités d’application et la pertinence du cahier des charges actuel. Les entretiens portaient sur le système de gestion foncière et le développement des périmètres tels que les acteurs pouvaient le percevoir. Il s’agissait, avec l’ensemble des acteurs, de discuter des formes de sécurisation foncière, nécessaires et envisageables, qui pourraient permettre un meilleur développement des exploitations familiales.

Statut foncier des terres aménagées dans le cadre du programme Kandadji

Reports & Research
Junho, 2012

38 000 habitants seront déplacées lors de la construction du barrage de Kandadji au Niger. Nous avons réalisé une étude sur les aspects juridiques de ce déplacement, en examinant des moyens permettant à l’État d’optimiser son investissement tout en veillant à ce que la compensation des populations déplacées soit juste. Cette étude pèse le pour et le contre des différents modes de gestion des processus juridiques au sein des zones affectées par un barrage.