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IssuesagriculturaLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 481 - 492 of 2139

Information and Communication Technologies ICTs: Giving ACP youth a voice.

Journal Articles & Books

For the first time in the recent history of rural development there is a possibility of creating an infrastructure that dramatically reduces the isolation of rural life. Although ICTs may seem a fragile basis on which to build far-reaching change, a meeting organized by CTA showed that they can speed up the exchange of knowledge and ideas between urban centres and rural communities. In countries struggling to maintain basic amenities, it is the towns that interface most closely with global society.

Rural-urban linkages in practice. Promoting agricultural value chains

Journal Articles & Books

Agricultural value chains link urban consumption with rural production. Changing demand, as a consequence of urbanization, emergence of «modern» consumption patterns or new trends in international trade, impacts on rural areas along value chains and spills over to marketing and production systems.These rural urban linkages bear challenges but also mutual benefits for producers and consumers and can be promising entry points for development interventions.This is illustrated with the case of the Kenyan potato value chain.

Agro-Business Large Scale Land Acquisition in Myanmar: Current situation and ways forward

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2017

This presentation summarizes an on-going research in Myanmar, carried out by renowned agricultural specialist U San Thein and a team of experts, with the support of MRLG. This research is based on a thorough analysis of records on vacant, fallow and virgin land allotted for mainly agri-business projects between 1992 and 2016, and also an analysis of the reports of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission on land confiscation and the return of land. The study also included interview responses from key government staff in all concerned line ministries.

Review of and Comment on Draft Law on Agricultural Land Dated 15 October 2016

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro, 2016

As the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries (MAFF) aimed to finalize in the end of 2016 the draft law on agricultural lands that is currently in 6th draft, MRLG, together with other partners, has supported the NGO Forum on Cambodia to mobilize representatives of farmer organizations and CSOs so that they could voice their concerns over the draft law directly to MAFF. In close cooperation with MAFF, a 2-day national consultation workshop was held on 19-20 December 2016 in Phnom Penh.

Exploring Opportunities for Smallholder Tea Producers in Laos

Novembro, 2016

This short video examines an initiative by Earth Systems to develop a tea sector dialogue platform that brings together key stakeholders in the value chain to jointly examine challenges and opportunities for the development of a more equitable and sustainable tea sector in Laos. The video highlights the outcomes and lessons from a tea stakeholder workshop held in Phongsaly province, northern Laos, in July 2016.

The Political Economy of Land Governance in Viet Nam

Reports & Research
Março, 2016

This country level analysis addresses land governance in Viet Nam in two ways. First, it summarises what the existing body of knowledge tells us about power and configurations that shape access to and exclusion from land, particularly among smallholders, the rural poor, ethnic minorities and women. Second, it draws upon existing literature and expert assessment to provide a preliminary analysis of the openings for and obstacles to land governance reform afforded by the political economic structures and dynamics in the country.

Challenges in Managing State Land in Cambodia: Addressing Competing Interests for Lands Inside Protected Areas (PAs)

Policy Papers & Briefs
Fevereiro, 2016

Protected area management is threatened by weak articulation between the goals for conservation, national development and local livelihoods. This discussion note examines the competing interests for lands inside Cambodian Protected Areas and makes suggestions for policy considerations.

La responsabilité des pays industrialisés

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

La crise financière initiale s'est développée pour devenir, en 2008, une crise économique mondiale. Cette crise non seulement exacerbe le problème aigu de la famine en réduisant toujours davantage le pouvoir d'achat des populations pauvres, mais encore menace de limiter pendant des années les possibilités de combattre la famine à long terme au moyen d'investissements et d'innovations.

Revue sur le Sommet des OMD: «les affaires continuent!» ne peut plus être le mot d?ordre

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2010

Le bilan des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement
(OMD) après dix ans est plus que mitigé. Dans l’ensemble, on n’enregistre que quelques progrès au niveau régional, par exemple en ce qui concerne l’éducation pour tous (OMD 2), la réduction de la mortalité infantile (OMD 4), et aussi la lutte contre la pauvreté (OMD 1a). L’échec fatal, c’est de n’être pas parvenu à réaliser l’objectif de réduction de la faim (OMD 1c) : la tendance initiale positive vers une réduction de moitié de la proportion de personnes souffrant de la faim s’est inversée dans le monde entier. Or,

La gestion intégrée de l'eau par bassin versant

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2010

Les ressources en eau et en terres s'amenuisent de plus en plus et répondent difficilement aux exigences alimentaires d'une population mondiale croissante. Dans les pays en développement des régions tropicales en particulier, la variabilité des conditions météorologiques associée à la productivité généralement basse de l'agriculture de subsistance représente une menace pour les sociétés rurales vulnérables ; l'accès à des équipements d'infrastructure et aux ressources naturelles devient de jour en jour plus difficile.

Dynamique démographique et développement rural au Burkina Faso: Des progrès grâce à la crise?

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2011
Burkina Faso

Peu de pays sont plus caractérisés par la migration et ses répercussions que le Burkina Faso. Au cours des 40 années qui ont suivi l’indépendance, la moitié de la population a fait l’expérience de la migration, qu’il s’agisse de migration transfrontalière de main-d’œuvre (essentiellement vers la Côte d’Ivoire) ou d’une réinstallation permanente dans le pays même (d’une zone rurale à une autre).