Our international network of partners encompasses academic institutions, data aggregators, government bodies, publishers, farmers associations, NGOs and other civil society actors. Explore the range of organizations using the Land Portal below and join the network today.
Drylands Coordination Group
The Drylands Coordination Group (DCG) is a network for capacity building through exchange of practical experience and appropriate knowledge on food security in the drylands of Africa. The DCG networks in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, and Sudan consist of NGOs as well as research institutions and governmental structures.
Drylands Programme, IIED
With research, training and advocacy, we help build climate resilience, productivity and equity in the dryland areas of East Africa, Ethiopia, the Sahel and Sudan
Duke University
Approved by the Duke University Board of Trustees October 1, 1994, and revised February 23, 2001, the Mission Statement for Duke University reads as follows:
Dutch Banking Association (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken)
The Dutch Banking Association (Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken, or ‘NVB’) strives to achieve a strong, healthy and internationally competitive banking system for the approximately 60 Dutch and foreign banks and credit institutions operating in the Netherlands.
e-International Publishing House
Officially established in 2016, we are an open-access publisher, registered and based in the UK, with a branch office in Malaysia. Our publications adhere strictly to international publishing norms and ethical guidelines, to ensure and assure only original and quality works are published.
E-International Relations (E-IR) is the world’s leading open access website for students and scholars of international politics, featuring high quality scholarly content and student-facing resources.
E-Investment Cambodia
Despite significant economic advances in recent years, Cambodia still relies heavily on the outputs from its agriculture industry to provide economic stability.
Eagle Hill Institute
The Mission of the Institute
The Institute is a 501(c)(3) scientific and literary nonprofit organization which is dedicated to contributing to a greater interest in scholarly and educational pursuits, especially in the natural history sciences. It maintains an interdisciplinary focus in order to better understand complex relationships among disciplines.
Earth Observation Center
EOC conducts research in the field of remote sensing. We seek answers to urgent social questions relating to the environment and climate, mobility and planning, prevention and management of natural catastrophes, and civil security. We operate satellite data receiving stations in Germany and abroad.
Earth Security Initiative
Earth Systems Mekong
Earth Systems Mekong provides consulting, project management and research and development capabilities in the environmental sector within the Mekong River Basin (Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand, Southern China and Vietnam).