Our international network of partners encompasses academic institutions, data aggregators, government bodies, publishers, farmers associations, NGOs and other civil society actors. Explore the range of organizations using the Land Portal below and join the network today.
In 2008, Kepa established an office in Bangkok to initiate its programme in the Mekong Region - Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2010, the Thai authorities gave the official permit for Kepa to operate a regional office. In september 2015 Kepa board decided to close the Mekong office due to the budget cuts by the government of Finland.
KfW Development Bank has been helping the German Federal Government to achieve its goals in development policy and international development cooperation for more than 50 years. In this regard, we are both an experienced bank and a development institution with financing expertise, an expert knowledge of development policy and many years of national and international experience.
KGM Consulting
KGM Consulting is a 100% Botswana youth-owned consultancy that aims at growing the wealth of its stakeholders through Research, Innovation and Sustainable Solutions based on People, Profits and Planet. KGM Consulting was incorporated in 2013 as KGBG Investment Pty (Ltd) and transformed into a full registered consultancy in 2019.
Khalifa Foundation-KF started its activities as non government development organization since 1994 to establish human rights for the vulnerable communities in southwest region of Bangladesh. It has been working on the issue of livelihoods, climate change, women rights, child rights and land rights through public awareness, capacity development and alternative income generation.
Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators find the resources and support they need to make their ideas a reality. To date, tens of thousands of creative projects — big and small — have come to life with the support of the Kickstarter community.
The Community
KIIT School of Rural Management, KIIT University
The 'KIIT School Of Rural Management', (KSRM), is the Rural Management wing of KIIT University.
Kinder not hilfe
Kindernothilfe (German for "Supporting children in need") was founded in Germany in 1959 as a Christian organisation to support vulnerable and marginalized children and youth to develop their full potentials. Kindernothilfe Austria was founded in 1996, followed by Kindernothilfe Switzerland in 2004 and Kindernothilfe Luxembourg in 2009.
Kituo cha Katiba
KcK addresses the problem of governments in East Africa not respecting their constitutions, which leads to gross human rights violations, marginalisation, oppression, civil strife and coups. As a think tank, KcK provides critical and up to date information to East Africans on constitutionalism, good governance and democratic development.
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Kluwer Academic Publishers was merged with Springer Science and Business media in 2004, when Springer bought the Publisher from Wolters Kluwer.
Kluwer Academic Publishers is a publisher of academic journals and books.
Source: Wikipedia