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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 336 - 340 of 2116

Preventing forest loss, promoting restoration and integrating sustainability into Ethiopia’s coffee supply c


To support transformation towards deforestation-free coffee value chains and food systems in Oromia, SNNP and Sidama Regions


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is designed in line with the overall objectives of Ethiopia’s Growth and Development Plan II, in terms of which Government is committed to sustaining an inclusive and pro-poor development strategy to scale up poverty reduction and employment generation efforts, with emphasis given to engaging those sections of society that have not yet benefited from development efforts and a focus on women and youth to render the development effort more inclusive. The project helps fulfil many of Ethiopia’s policies that are both pro-growth and pro-poor, including the country’s emerging land policy, and the agriculture and rural development strategy, which promotes rural and agriculture-centred development as a mean of enhancing benefits to the people, with the woreda (district) as the principal authority overseeing rural development including agricultural training and extension institutions, and confirming the importance of enhancing women's productive capacity through involvement in production and development activities. The project’s interventions to enhance woreda (district) capacity for land use planning and agricultural (including coffee) extension, and creating business opportunities for women and youth in agricultural input supply, will help to achieve these objectives. The project will support farm households to maximize income on the existing agricultural footprint through sustainable intensification with better agroeconomic practices, as well as diversification into production of other cash crops, shifting from commodity coffee to specialty coffee, and value addition to non-timber forest products, thereby promoting rural prosperity and taking pressure off unplanned expansion into forested areas, including the valuable gene pool for C. Arabica in the coffee forests of the project regions. Promoting restoration of degraded forests and agricultural lands will help to maintain the flow of ecosystem services on which agricultural livelihoods depend, as well as safeguarding precious soil resources, globally significant biodiversity and important carbon sinks. Within each of the 22 project woredas, five kebeles will be selected for intensive support on integrated land use planning, agricultural extension support and participatory forest management activities, bringing direct benefits to an estimated 440,000 people. Indirect benefits will accrue to all the residents of the project woredas for which integrated land use plans will be developed, with capacity development interventions to enable full participation by all stakeholder groups at woreda level, and leading to better land use decisions and more sustainable land management practices, diversified income streams and higher agricultural yields.

International. Jali Ardhi [Care for the Land] project: Realising land management change in degraded Maasai gr


Jali Ardhi' means 'Care for the Land' in Swahili. This is the short project name for the interdisciplinary Global Challenges Research Fund project "Socio-ecological resilience to soil erosion driven by extreme events: past, present and future challenges in East Africa" upon which this innovation proposal is based. Soil erosion and downstream siltation problems challenge water, food and energy (i.e. HEP) security with growing threats from climate change. Even under 'normal' climatic conditions, soil erosion by water reduces water and nutrient retention, biodiversity and plant primary productivity on agricultural land putting stress on food production, notwithstanding ecosystem and water resource damage downstream. This undermines the environmental and economic resilience of communities that depend on soil and water resources, and shocks are often amplified by physical and socio-cultural positive feedback mechanisms. At community level, soil erosion has severe impacts through undermining food and water security and curtailing mobility between communities, resources and markets in fragmented landscapes. Environmental shocks can, however, lead to a learning experience that propels a system to a qualitatively different pathway and can support greater-than-previous levels of resilience (sometimes termed 'bounce back'). Co-design of sustainable land management practices and implementation of appropriate community-focussed legislation will enable rural communities to (1) recover from environmental impacts to a resilience level beyond the prior state through restoration/enhancement of degraded landscapes and (2) withstand shock of future extreme climatic events with longer-term sustainability and socio-economic benefits. This Innovation follow-on grant proposal draws on in-depth evidence of soil erosion causes, processes and impacts in rural Tanzania, specifically Maasai communities that are in a fragile state of transition from pastoralism to more sedentary and mixed agri-pastoral livelihoods. It builds on proven and interdisciplinary stakeholder engagement to deliver a new action framework for the development of bottom-up policy instruments (byelaws) to achieve credible change in land management practice with long-term socio-economic benefits for these impoverished rural communities. The Innovation programme will build on the resulting research evidence base of the problem and potential pathways to land management change that, in turn, underpin specific and tangible outcomes for the end-user communities such as diversification of agricultural activity, adoption of conservation agriculture/grazing approaches and alternative, sustainable livelihood development. Facilitating a step change in land management practice to reduce complex soil erosion impacts is a fundamental target within the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (e.g. SDG15, target 3 reducing land degradation while enabling communities to become more resilient e.g. SDG13), a challenge that requires the interdisciplinary approach developed and proven by our team. Working with key partners in local government, a soil conservation NGO, specialists in participatory approaches and end-user communities (with whom we have a close working relationship from prior research), our proposed innovation activities will provide an exemplar for how land management change can be realised from research evidence. While this small innovation project offers an opportunity to demonstrate a new evidence-based, bottom-up approach with communities, scaling up the impact of the Jali Ardhi approach to the East African region remains our wider ambition.


The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.



Community land ownership no longer exists in Transmara, as land is already subdivided and titled for each head of the family, the men. This leaves women with limited access and no control over land decision-making, especially widowed women whose land is taken over by the husbands' male relatives. This project will increase indigenous women's access to and control of productive resources such as land by strengthening the networks of organized women groups in advocating for their land rights. This will improve women#s participation in decision making on land issues and ensure access to land, and other productive resources. The project will also work to sensitize the communities on women's land rights and ensure participation of women in land boards and other decision making bodies.