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The present Ordinance provides for the enactment of article 6 of the Soil Valuation Act (BGBl. I p. 3150, 3176). In particular, the areas listed in the Annex constitute the parameters for soil valuation being thus considered the basis for the assessment of land value in the Federal Republic of…


This Act establishes the Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure, which shall advise the Government and the two houses of parliament regarding sustainable development of infrastructure, spatial planning, the and the environment, and in particular on a wide variety of matters…


This Decree concerns the protection of the soil from polluting substances and works that deteriorate the quality of soil. The Decree prescribes rules for the use of construction materials and defines methods to measure effects on the environment and in particular the subsoil groundwater. Other…


This Act concerns a special taxation regime for certain country estates for purposes of protection of the natural environment and landscape in the Netherlands. The owner of an estate may apply to the Minister so as to qualify the estate to fall with the application of this Act. Tax exemptions…


This Act carries into effect provisions of Title 7.5 of the Civil Code (on land lease), which incorporates provisions of the land Lease Act which has been repealed at the coming into force of the Title. The provisions here implemented concerning Land Tribunals to be designated by the Crown.…


This Act provides for an administrative arrangement for central and local authorities concerning spatial planning and development in rural areas. In particular, the Act aims at geographically directed policy by competent authorities for the development of rural areas. It also provides for an…


This Decree contains rules for the discharge of water related to agricultural activities in surface waters and provides directions for the use of pesticides. The Decree is based on, among other things, articles 6.2, 6.6 en 6.7 van de Water Act. Chapter 6 of the Water Act applies also to…


This Regulation is made for purposes of article 15, comma 8 of the Decree Discharge Open Cultivation and Livestock Breeding. It prescribes the methods for determination of spray caps used in specified systems for the spraying of pesticides as spray caps with a low-pressure output.


Le présent arrêté ministériel porte certaines dispositions d'exécution relatives aux techniques de mesure de l'azote potentiellement lessivable et au «survey surfaces agricoles» en application du chapitre IV de la partie réglementaire du Code de l'Eau. L’article 2 établit que les…


Le présent règlement grand-ducal modifie certains articles du règlement grand-ducal modifié du 24 novembre 2000 concernant l’utilisation de fertilisants azotés dans l’agriculture. Notamment, on modifie, entre autres, l’articles établissant qu’en cas de circonstances dues à des causes naturelles…

The present Guidelines establish the granting of subsidies for the protection of waters against hazardous substances in order to restore, maintain and improve the quality of waters and reduce suspect contaminated areas. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Purpose of subsidy and legal…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to agricultural land being prone to erosion. In particular, the Ordinance establishes with a view to direct payments and other fundings, the classification of agricultural land according to their degree of erosion risks by water and wind. The…